[文献書誌] Masayuki Deguchi: "ISTR---Why are we here? Why will we discuss? Toward Cross-fertilization from the point of linguapolitics"Presenting Paper for the Third ISTR Asian Pacific Regional Conference. (2003)
[文献書誌] Masayuki Deguchi: "Civil society and civic service : Linguapolitical issues on Japan's Civic Service programs for the international community"Presenting Paper for A Summary of Civic Service : Impacts and Inquiry An International Symposium. 1-32 (2003)
[文献書誌] Deguchi, M., Layman F.: "The role of Arm's length's distance between arts and culture's nonprofit organizations and government in Japan"Presenting Paper for the Third ISTR Asian Pacific Regional Conference. 1-23 (2003)
[文献書誌] 出口正之: "メセナ活動の理論と展開-心の投票としての助成認定制度-"都市問題研究. 第56巻第3号通巻639号. 52-66 (2004)
[文献書誌] 出口正之: "非営利法人改革に新たな公の視点を"週刊エコノミスト. 2004年1月13日号. 44-47 (2004)
[文献書誌] 出口正之: "「ニューディール時代の政策の現代的意義-社会資本から文化資本充実の政策への転換-」東京"文化経済学. 第3巻第4号. 19-26 (2003)
[文献書誌] Deguchi, M 2003: ""What should be done about language issues in international exchange?"Kaku, K., and Hirano, K., ed.Japan and international Intellectual Exchanges in the 21^<st> Century,"The Japan Times, Tokyo. 174-179 (2003)