[文献書誌] H.Aikawa, T.Lundh, T.Mizutani: "Martin boundary of a fractal domain"Potential Anal.. 18. 311-357 (2003)
[文献書誌] 相川弘明: "複雑領域のMartin境界と境界Harnack原理"数学. 55. 1-19 (2003)
[文献書誌] H.Aikawa: "Positive harmonic functions of finite order in a Denjoy type domain"Proc.Amer.Math.Soc.. 131. 3873-3881 (2003)
[文献書誌] H.Aikawa: "Martin boundary and boundary harnack principle for non-smooth domains"Sugaku Expositions. (to appear). (2004)
[文献書誌] H.Aikawa: "Potential theoretic characterizations of nonsmooth domains"Bull.London Math.Soc.. (to appear). (2004)
[文献書誌] H.Aikawa: "Fatou and Littlewood theorems for Poisson integrals with respect to non-integrable kernels"Complex Variables Theory Appl.. (to appear). (2004)
[文献書誌] Z.Q.Chen, T.Kumagai: "Heat kernel estimates for stable-like processes on d-sets"Stoch.Proc.Their Appl.. 108. 27-62 (2003)
[文献書誌] B.M.Hambly, T.Kumagai: "Diffusion processes on fractal fields and their large deviations"Probab.Theory Relat.Fields. 127. 305-352 (2003)
[文献書誌] B.M.Hambly, T.Kumagai: "Heat kernel estimates for symmetric random walks on a class of fractal graphs and stability under rough isometries"Proc.of Symposia in Pure Math. (to appear). (2004)
[文献書誌] T.Kumagai: "Homogenization of Finitely Ramified Fractals"Advanced Studies in Pure Math.. 41(to appear). (2004)
[文献書誌] B.M.Hambly, T.Kumagai: "Heat Kernel Estimates and Law of the Iterated Logarithm for Symmetric Random Walks on Fractal Graphs"Contemporary Mathematics. (to appear). (2004)
[文献書誌] T.Kumagai: "Function spaces and stochastic processes on fractals"Progr.Probab.,Birkhauser. (to appear). (2004)
[文献書誌] 相川弘明(分担執筆): "数学事典第4版の4項目(調和関数,優(劣)調和関数,ディレクレ問題,ポテンシャル論,容量)"日本数学会(to appear). (2004)