研究概要 |
I started my JSPS Post-doctoral research program at Osaka University in September 1,2013. After seven months (September 2013 - March 2014) I have accomplished the following. 1) Visited and conducted preliminary interviews to key persons of different non-government organizations which played roles in helping people with disabilities during disasters 1) Association for Aid and Relief, Japan (Tokyo) 2) Nippon International Cooperation for Community Development (NICCO, Kyoto, Japan) 3) Japan Platform (Tokyo and Fukushima) 4) Samaritan' s Purse International (Tokyo and Sendai) 2) Attended three conferences / seminars 1) 東日本大震災被災地の小児保健に関する調査研究事務局Jan 26-27, Tohoku University 2) Disaster and Child Health Mental Conference, Feb 27 - March 1 Tokyo Symposium 3) Global Young Leadership Conference March 13, 2013, University of Tokyo 4) Disaster Management : International Lessons in Risk Reduction, Response and Recovery, Kyoto University (October - January, once a week) Sponsored by Kyoto Prefecture Government Starting April 8, I am attending a Global Leadership Program (Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo) from April to June 2014. The theme of the leadership program is "Social Innovation for an Inclusive Society" that focuses on building leadership capabilities through field based practices and apply the learning of social and community-led initiative and innovation into real life situations for people with disabilities. In June, I will join the Brown University' s International Advanced Research Institutes. I will participate in the program - Human Security and Humanitarian Responses : Increasing Effectiveness and Accountability in the Age of Complex Emergencies. This is a two-week program sponsored by Brown University.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
In August, I wish to have a 3-month internship program at WHO Kobe. While doing an internship, I wish to present my paper to topnotch personnel for its further improvement and learn practical information how WHO handles emergency and disaster related issues especially to PWD. I also want to submit a paper in an international journal of disaster management before December 2014. I am doing a summary review of related literature published in English about the plight of PWD during the Great East Japan Tohoku Earthquake.