研究概要 |
Development of a database on the coastal water bodies of Sri Lanka on KISSEL server system was initiated, for the benefit of all interest groups including the general public. Presently it gontains water quality data of lagoons and estuaries for over two decades. This was extended from a local scale to a regional scale. In this extension, algorithm improvement or tuning based on in-situ datasets was carried out for optimization. The aim was to expand the databases on water bodies using satellite analysis within selected Asian gountries. It was initiated through KISSEL server system to benefit pollution monitoripg and sustainable use of water bodies. Waterbodies of Japan, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia and Philippines were selected considerillg their economical and ecological importance, Research works parallel to satellite overpass were conducted on the those water bodies. Local Universities and/or Research Institutes collaborated with field data collection and will involve in future continuous monitoring programs and KISSEL related activities. ASTER, MODIS, Landsat ETM, ALOS and QuickBird were used as satellite data sources and previously developed Chlorophyll-concentration estimation algorithms were validated and applied. Regression analysis of atmospherically corrected satellite data on each day with in-situ sampling data was used for algorithm validation. Those algorithms were then used to retrieve vvater quarity data Using past satellite imageries. Recept water quality degradations of many water bodies in selected Asian Counhries were observed. High resolution satellite based water quality distribution maps of the study sites were developed using proposed algorithms. Monitoring of long term changes of water quality and improvements of databases are carried out at present.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
研究計画通り, 水質環境のデータ取得, アルゴリズムの改良, データベース化, 論文発表, 学会発表が行われている.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
衛星画像解析, データ処理, アルゴリズム校正, トレンド解析, 空間分布マップの開発などを行い, 国際会議, 論文発表などを行う. また得られたデータおよび知見はKISSELなどのデータベースサーバで公開する.