研究実績の概要 |
This study proposed to investigate and highlight the importance of rare earth minerals and rare metals to Japan’s manufacturing industry; which minerals might be termed “critical” and why; the extent to which the availability of these minerals is subject to restriction in the short to the long term. Based on the collected data and personal interviews with a number of rare earth trading and using companies like Toyota Tsusho, and Toyutsu rare earrh coorporation and research institute like Mitsubishi UFJ research and consulting and Canon institute of golabl studies, a report is being written and published by ISS. Mancheri also published a comprehensive paper in a well reputed international Journal. Mancheri also particiated and made presentation in a conference on rare earths held in Shanghai during 15-18 September 2015.(https://www.argusmedia.com/~/media/files/pdfs/argus-events/asia/2015/argus-rare-earths-2015-brochure.pdf/?la=en)