研究概要 |
Dr. Anton Kratz has been trained to prepare and sequence nanoCAGE libraries. This will speed up the planned research considerably, as we do not need anymore to order the libraries to a third party. This also leads to a more optimal use of the research budget. We now have mass spectrometry measurements from the first test library, and together with the first sequencing of the test library, we can start the analysis of the mRNA / protein correlations. At the same time, the experiments to prepare sample material for the main dataset, including the time course data, proceed as planned. In addition, for a manuscript currently under review at Genome Research, we have together with our collaborators performed and analyzed immunofluorescence experiments to correlate protein and mRNA abundance in Purkinje cells. That work is essential to proceed with the current research project. This JSPS fellowship has been fully acknowledged in that manuscript.