研究概要 |
In the frame of our research work conducted in the period 2 July 2013-31 March 2014 (FY 2013) we collected, reviewed, systemised and thoroughly studied most recent and selected (core) literature and sources (e.g. books and monographs, journal articles, international and national reports, working papers, case studies, judgments and other relevant decisions, internet sources, statistical data etc.), completed statistical (qualitative and quantitative) analysis of the cases of discrimination in capital sentencing in death penalty jurisdictions, elaborated contextual frame and structure of the study and formulated research hypotheses, theoretically analysed international, European and national legal and policy approaches and solutions regarding the research topic, thoroughly considered open and most complex legal and policy issues and elaborated adequate legal and policy responses, and formulated first research results and findings. Gregor MatiOec delivered two presentations on specific issues in relation to my research topic to international law students and scholars at Kyoto University, prepared and submitted 2 articles on research topic for their publication in peer-reviewed journals. He also submitted the article entitled "Discrimination on the grounds of socio-economic status in the application of death penalty : The case of Caribbean countries" for presentation at International conference "The Death Penalty in the context of Public Security : Neither right, nor effective" , Saint Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago, held on 1 October 2013. In addition, in the framework of JSPS Science Dialogue Program He gave a lecture entitled "Discrimination in the application of death penalty" to Yamanashi Prefectural Kofu First High School' s students on 18 October 2013.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
In year FY 2014 we intend to supplement the basic starting-points, verify and (dis) prove the research hypotheses from various perspectives, supply and study additional and most recent literature and sources, continue writing the text of the study, formulate conclusions, proposals, recommendations and guidelines for the state structures and governmental bodies of countries under consideration, closely examine the possibilities for implementation of relevant international norms on the prohibition of discrimination in death penalty cases and ultimate abolition of capital punishment in countries that still apply it, prepare 2-3 articles for publication in high quality peer-reviewed journals, present research results and findings at academic events (seminar, workshop, international conference etc.).