研究概要 |
日本経済学会秋期大会にて「A test of the disparity of the job turnover rate between permanent workers and temporary workers in Japan」というタイトルで発表した。以下論文の要旨を書く(暫定)。 This paper investigates the disparity of the job turnover rate between permanent workers and temporary workers from the view points of labor demand adjustment cost by Japanese firm level panel data set. It constructs a rich model of adjustment cost, which cooperates various elements such as convex and non-convex factor as well as labor demand irreversibility. We analyzed the labor demand in the same framework as a capital investment theory. Applying shadow value of labor stock can derive the optimal decision rule of firms, and we measuer it directly without using the stock value for the estimation. As a result of estimation, we find that adjustment cost of permanent workers is significant for convex term, but is not significant for non-convex term. Adjustment cost of temporary workers is also significant for quadratic term. There is the possibility that firms can adjust temporary workers continuously with much less adjustment costs for permanent workers. In addition to this, the cost of firing permanent works is much larger than that of hiring them. 本研究によって昨今話題となっている非正規労働者問題がどのように調整されているかが企業側の視点から明らかとなる。これは今後の労働政策を考察する際に一つの指針となると考えている。