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[文献書誌] 山下晋司: "文化人類学における視聴覚教育の可能性"マルチメディアによる民族学(大森康宏編)(国立民族学博物館調査報告35)、大阪:国民民族学博物館. 93-100 (2003)
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[文献書誌] 名和克郎: "Language Situation and Mother Tonguein Byans, Far Western Nepal"The paper presented at the 9th Himalayan Languages Symposium, Central Institute for Indian Languages, Mysore, India.. (2003)
[文献書誌] 渡邊日日: "帝国の文化か,批判の表象か:帝政期シベリアに於ける『民族誌的多様性』について"超域文化科学紀要(東京大学大学院総合文化研究科). 8. 5-44 (2003)
[文献書誌] 渡邊日日: "On Dynamics of Clan Society and Ethnographic Discourses on Its Reality : The Buriats, Colonial Administration and Revolutionary Ideas in Tsarist Siberia"Koichi Inoue, ed., Anthropological Perspectives of the North-Eurasian World. 9-35 (2003)
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[文献書誌] 山下晋司: "Bali and Beyond : Explorations in the Anthropology of Tourism. Translated by Jerry Eades."New York and Oxford : Berghahn Books.. xix+175 (2003)