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[文献書誌] 大山 修一: "ニジェール共和国中南部に居住する農耕民ハウサの農牧複合に関する予備調査"第39回日本アフリカ学会学術大会研究発表要旨. 8 (2003)
[文献書誌] Oyama, S.: "Agriculture and grazing in the arid environment of Sahel : Subsistence economy of Hausa cultivators in southern Niger"Hori, N.(ed.) : Human response to drastic change of environments in Africa II. Tokyo Metropolitan University. 83-105 (2002)
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[文献書誌] Yoshida, M.: "An impact of the environment changes on migrant work : Samburu migrant workers in Kenya Coast"Hori, N.(ed.) : Human response to drastic change of environments in Africa II. Tokyo Metropolitan University. 131-161 (2002)
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