すべて 2005 2004 2003 2002 その他
すべて 雑誌論文 (89件) 図書 (1件)
Phys.Lett.A 335(1)
ページ: 11-19
Theoret.Comput.Sci. 332(1-3)
ページ: 487-496
J.Opt B : Quantum Semiclass.Opt. 7(発表予定)
Comm.Math.Phys. (発表予定)
Canad.Math.Bull. (発表予定)
Proc.Japan--Germany Seminar (発表予定)
Quantum Information V (World Scientific) (発表予定)
Proc.of Infinite Dimensional Harmonic Analysis at Tubingen (発表予定)
Banach Center Publications (発表予定)
Rev.Sem.Congr.Soc.Math.France (発表予定)
Phys.Lett.A 335
Theoret.Comput.Sci. 332
日本物理学会誌 59
ページ: 157-165
Phys.Lett.A 320
ページ: 367-374
Interdis.Inf.Sci. 10
ページ: 69-81
Ann.Phys. 311(2)
ページ: 350-416
Phys.Rev.A 70(8)
ページ: 022327-1-022327-13
AIP Conference Proceedings : Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing 734
ページ: 95-98
科学基礎論研究 32
ページ: 9-17
Linear Algebra Appl. 377
ページ: 155-164
Prob.Theory Related Fields 130
ページ: 199-221
Interdiscip.Inform.Sci. 10
ページ: 41-52
Infin.Dimen.Anal.Quantum Probab.Rel.Top 7
ページ: 147-154
J.Math.Soc.Japan 56
ページ: 311-338
ページ: 419-435
Proc.Int.Conf.Stochastic Analysis and Applications (Kluwer)
ページ: 53-68
Interdisciplinary Inf.Sci. 10
Ann.Phys. 311
Phys.Rev.A 70
ページ: 022327(1)-022327(13)
Butsuri-Gakkai-Shi 59
J.Jpn.Ass.Phi.Sci. 32
Probab.Theory Related Fields 130
Infin.Dimen.Anal.Quantum Probab.Rel.Top. 7
Proc.7th Int.Conf.on Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing, AIP Conference Proceedings 734(edited by S.M.Barnett, E.Andersson, J.Jeffers, P.Ohberg, and O.Hirota)(American Institute of Physics, Melville)
Proc.Int.Conf.Stochastic Analysis and Applications(edited by S.Albeverio, A.B.de Monvel and H.Ouerdiane)(Kluwer Academic Publishers)
Int.J.Quant.Inf. 1
ページ: 569-588
Ann.Japan Ass.Phil.Sci. 11
ページ: 107-121
Phys.Rev.A 67
ページ: 042105-1-042105-6
Proceedings of the 6^<th> International Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing (Rinton Press, Princeton)
ページ: 175-180
Phys.Rev.Lett. 91
ページ: 089802
Phys.Lett.A 318
ページ: 21-29
J.Operator Theory 50
ページ: 119-130
J.Math.Phys. 44
ページ: 71-88
Infin.Dimen.Anal.Quantum Probab.Rel.Top. 6
ページ: 167-178
Operator Algebras and Mathematical Physics (Theta, Bucharest) 6
ページ: 169-202
Fundamental Problems in Quantum Physics (World Scientific)
ページ: 284-305
Lecture Notes in Mathematics(Springer) 1820
Proc. 6th Int.Conf.on Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing(edited by J.Shappiro and O.Hirota)(Rinton Press, Princeton)
Operator Algebras and Mathematical Physics(edited by J.-M.Combes et al.)(Theta, Bucharest)
Fundamental Problems in Quantum Physics(edited by L.Accardi and S.Tasaki)(World Scientific)
Phys.Lett.A 299
ページ: 1-7
Proceedings of 3^<rd> International Conference on Unconventional Models of Computation (UMC2002) 276
ページ: 58-65
Phys.Rev.Lett. 89
ページ: 057902-1-057902-4
Linear Algebra Appl. 341
ページ: 151-169
J.Math.Soc.Japan 54
ページ: 679-718
Rev.Math.Phys. 14
ページ: 241-272
Infinite Dimen.Anal.Quantum Prob. 5
ページ: 317-331
ページ: 395-407
Transactions of Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 12
ページ: 293-306
Quantum Information IV (World Scientific)
ページ: 147-176
Infinite-Dimensionality and Probability at the Crossroads (World Scientific)
ページ: 143-191
ページ: 360-373
Phys.Rev.Lett 89
ページ: 057902(1)-057902(4)
Infin.Dimen.Anal.Quantum Probab.Rel.Top. 5
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2509(edited by C.S.Calude, M.J.Dinneen, and F.Peper)(Springer, Berlin)
Quantum Information IV(edited by T.Hida and K.Saito)(World Scientific)
Non-Commutativity, Infinite-Dimensionality and Probability at the Crossroads(edited by N.Obata, T.Matsui and A.Hora)(World Scientific)
J.Opt.B : Quantum Semiclass. Opt.7(to appear)
Comm.Math.Phys. (to appear)
Canad.Math.Bull. (to appear)
Proc.Japan--Germany Seminar. (to appear)
Quantum Information V(edited by T.Hida and K.Saito)(World Scientific) (to appear)
Proc.of Infinite Dimensional Harmonic Analysis at Tubingen (to appear)
Banach Center Publications (to appear)
Rev.Sem.Congr.Soc.Math.France (to appear)