[文献書誌] Nobuo Ikuta: "Functions of Silane Coupling Agents for Nano-Assembly at Materials Interfaces"Proceedings of the 8th Japan International SAMPE Symposium. 2. 701-704 (2003)
[文献書誌] Akihiro Ohnishi: "Effect of Surface Treatment on Mecanical Properties of p-Aramid Fiber Reinforced Composite Materials"Proceedings of the 8th Japan International SAMPE Symposium. 1. 745-748 (2003)
[文献書誌] 幾田信生: "シランカップリング剤の反応/作用機構"マテリアルステージ. 3. 1-5 (2003)
[文献書誌] 幾田信生: "界面接着性の向上を目指したケブラー^<【○!R】>繊維の新規表面処理法"日本学術振興会繊維・高分子機能加工第120委員会年次報告. 54. 13-16 (2003)
[文献書誌] T.Morii: "Environmental exposure of glass woven fabric/vinylester composites"Proceedings of the 8th Japan International SAMPE Symposium. 455-458 (2003)
[文献書誌] T.Morii: "Experimental evaluation of hydrothermally aged fiber reinforced plastics, Expanded Horizon in Advanced Materials and Processing"Proceedings of the 8th Japan International SAMPE Symposium. 2. 489-492 (2003)
[文献書誌] Kunihiro Hamada: "Xiang-Rong Wang : "Sorption of an Acid Dye by a Silk Fiber in the Presence of Bolaform Electrolytes Containing Pyridine Rings""Coloration Technology. 119・6. 331-335 (2003)
[文献書誌] Kunihiro Hamada: "Application of Bolaform Electrolytes as Auxiliaries for Acid Dyeing of Wool"Proceedings of the International Conference of Dyeing and Finishing. 73-75 (2003)
[文献書誌] Kunihiro Hamada: "Control of dye sorption for wool fiber using bolaform electrolytes"Proceedings of SAMPE Japan. 693-696 (2003)
[文献書誌] Kunihiro Hamada: "Control of the Binding and Sorption using Bolaform Electrolytes"Current Trends in Polymer Science. 7. 1-21 (2003)