[文献書誌] Adachi S, Tachiyashiki K, Yokoo Y, Imaizumi K.: "β2-agonist, clenbuterol-induced changes of plasma energy substrate levels and extracellular fluid volume in rats"Japanese Journal of Physiology. 52(Suppl.). S214 (2002)
[文献書誌] Yokoo Y, Tachiyashiki K, Imaizumi K: "Whole body suspension-induced changes of muscle lysosomal cathepsin B and J activities and dipeptide levels in rats"Japanese Journal of Physiology. 52(Suppl.). S214 (2002)
[文献書誌] Tachiyashiki K, Imaizumi K: "In vivo effect of dexamethasone on plasma glucose and total cholesterol concentrations, and hematocrit levels in rats"Japanese Journal of Physiology. 52(Suppl.). S215 (2002)
[文献書誌] Imaizumi K., Tachiyashiki K: "Effects of hypophysectomy on β2-agonist, clenbuterol-induced changes of skeletal muscle mass in rats"Japanese Journal of Physiology. 52(Suppl.). S215 (2002)
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[文献書誌] Nose H, Spriet LL, Imaizumi K: "Exercise, Nutrition, and Environmental Stress Volume 2"Cooper Publishing Group, LLC, Traverse City, MI, USA. 275 (2002)