[文献書誌] X.Jiang, Y.Hao, S.Horiguchi: "A New Framework for Critical Area Estimation in VLSI"Journal of Systems Architecture. Vol.47,10. 869-881 (2002)
[文献書誌] Md.M.Khandker, X.Jiang, S.Horiguchi, H.Shen: "Generalized Recursive Network : A New Architecture for Self-Routing Non-blocking Optical Switch Networks"Optics Communications. vol.208/4-6. 299-308 (2002)
[文献書誌] X.Jiang, H.Shen, M.R.Khandker, S.Horiguchi: "A New Scheme to Realize Crosstalk-free Permutations in Optical MINs with Vertical Stacking"Proc. of Int'l Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms and Networks (ISPAN'2002). IEEE CS Press. 341-346 (2002)
[文献書誌] X.Jiang, M.R.Khandker, H.Shen, S.Horiguchi: "Permutation in Rearrangeable Nonblocking Optical MINs with Zero Frist-Order Switching-Element-Crosstalk"Workshop on High Performance Switching and Routing. ISBN:4-88552-184-X. 19-23 (2002)
[文献書誌] M.R.Khandker, X.Jiang, H.Shen, S.Horiguchi: "Generalized Recursive Network : A New Architecture for Nonblocking Optical Multistage Interconnection Networks"Workshop on High Performance Switching and Routing. ISBN:4-88552-184-X. 199-203 (2002)
[文献書誌] X.Jiang, H.Shen, Md.M.R.Khandker, S.Horiguchi: "Crosstalk-free Permutation in Photonic Rearrangeable Networks Built on a Combination of Horizontal Expansion and Vertical Stacking of Banyan"Proceedings of The Third International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies. ISBN4-9900330-2-7. 327-334 (2002)
[文献書誌] H.Shen, S.Horiguchi, Yi Pan: "edited by M.Guizani and A.Battou, Marcel Dekkker, Inc. ISBN 0-8247-0707-9"Routing in Multihop Optical WDM Networks with Limited Wavelenght_Conversion, Chap.7, Optical Switching. 217-248 (2002)