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[文献書誌] S.-I.Itoh, A.Kitazawa, M.Yagi, K.Itoh: "Bifurcation and phase diagram of turbulence constituted from three different scale-length modes"Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. Vol.44・No.7. 1311-1328 (2002)
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[文献書誌] M.Uchida, A.Fukuyama, K.Itoh, S.-I.Itoh, M.Yagi: "Analysis of current diffusive ballooning mode including kinetic effects"Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion. Vol.44・No.12. 2495-2511 (2002)
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[文献書誌] S.-I.Itoh, K.Itoh: "From Dressed Particle to Dressed Mode in Plasmas"Research Report of National Institute for Fusion Science Japan. NIFS-730. (2002)
[文献書誌] M.Yokoyama, K.Itoh, S.Okamura, K.Nakajima, S.-I.Itoh, et al.: "Drift Reversal Capability in Helical Systems"Research Report of National Institute for Fusion Science Japan. NIFS-756. (2002)
[文献書誌] S.-I.Itoh, K.Itoh, S.Toda: "Statistical Theory of L-H Transition in Tokamaks"Research Report of National Institute for Fusion Science Japan. NIFS-771. (2002)
[文献書誌] A.Yoshizawa, S.-I.Itoh, K.Itoh: "PLSMA AND FLUID TURBULENCE Theory and Modelling"Institute of Physics Publishing. 479 (2003)
[文献書誌] K.Itoh, S.-I.Itoh, A.Fukuyama, et al.: "Bifurcation Phenomena in Plasmas"Kyusyu University, 2002, Edited by Sanae-I.Itoh and Yoshinobu Kawai. 472 (2002)
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