[文献書誌] IWAI Chiaki, KONISHI Koji: "Theoretical Controversies and Pedagogical Values in Teaching Communication Strategies."The Chugoku Academic Society of English Language Education, Research Bulletin. 33. 111-120 (2003)
[文献書誌] IWAI Chiaki, KONISHI Koji: "Production of Teaching Material for Communication Strategies (CS) : Requisites to Settle a Pedagogical CS Controversy."Language and Literature of Matsuyama University Academic Research Society. 23(印刷中). (2004)
[文献書誌] IWAI Chiaki, Peter GOBEL: "Instructional Effects of Communication Strategies."Proceedings of JALT2003 - the 29th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning.. (印刷中). (2004)
[文献書誌] IWAI Chiaki: "Designing a Teaching Syllabus for Communication Strategies."The 13th World Congress of Applied Linguistics大会要項. 73 (2002)
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