すべて 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002
すべて 雑誌論文 (54件) 図書 (4件)
季刊地理学 58(1)
ページ: 40-41
ページ: 46-47
Proceedings of First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (掲載予定)
Quarterly Journal of Geography 58(1)
Proceedings of First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (forthcoming)
Manabi-no-Mori : Advice of intellectual inquiring at Tohoku University Vol.2 (Editorial board of Manabi-no-Mori(ed.))(Sendai : Tohoku University Press) 246
ページ: 146-147
日本建築学会技術報告集 22
ページ: 595-600
日本地理学会予稿集 67
ページ: 224
Journal of Architecture and Building Science 22
Proceedings of the General Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers 67
Regeneration of community and reorganization of local government (Tohoku Regional Development Research Center(ed.))(Tokyo : Gyosei) 213
ページ: 36-69
季刊地理学 56(1)
ページ: 53-54
ページ: 54
仙台都市研究(東北都市学会) 3
ページ: 12-28
東北地域災害科学研究 40
ページ: 49-54
ページ: 89-94
都市計画論文集 39
ページ: 601-606
地域安全学会梗概集 15
ページ: 175-178
日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(北海道) B-2
ページ: 1077-1084
日本地理学会予稿集 66
ページ: 70
Quarterly Journal of Geography 56(1)
Sendai urban studies 3, Tohoku Association of Urbanology
Tohoku journal of natural disaster science 40
Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan 39
Proceedings of the annual conference of the Institute of Social Safety Science 15
Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan B-2
Proceedings of the General Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers 66
Report on the damage of the May 26. 2003 off Miyagi Prefecture Earthquake and the July 26. 2003 Northern Miyagi Prefecture Earthquake (Architectural Institute of Japan (ed.))(Tokyo : Maruzen) 343
ページ: 133-143, 293-309, 338-340
Regeneration scenario of construction industry : Development of community business to support local residents(Hideaki Ouchi and Satoru Masuda(eds.))(Tokyo : Nippon-Hyoronsha) 194
ページ: 135-182
ページ: 14-17
ページ: 90-97
地理(古今書院) 通巻579号
ページ: 43-48
季刊地理学 55(3)
ページ: 211-212
日本地理学会秋季学術大会梗概集 64
ページ: 159
ページ: 128-129
Prompt report on the damage investigation of the May 26. 2003 off Miyagi Prefecture Earthquake, Liaison committee of disaster investigation of Tohoku charter, Architectural Institute of Japan
Prompt report on the damage investigation of the July 26. 2003 Northern Miyagi Prefecture Earthquake, Working group of disaster investigation Committee of Tohoku charter, Architectural Institute of Japan
Geography (Kokon Shoin) 579
Quarterly Journal of Geography 55(3)
Proceedings of the general meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers 64
Proceedings of the 2nd Annual meeting of Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering
ページ: 29-32
日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(北陸) F1(都市計画)
ページ: 745-746
日本地理学会発表要旨集 62
日本建築学会・大地震を想定した都市防災・復興方策を考える公開研究会報告書 3
ページ: 1-54
ページ: 59-62
Papers for open forum 'Interdisciplinary collaboration for earthquake disaster prevention, 'The Disaster Control Research Center, Tohoku Univ.
Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting Architectural Institute of Japan F
Proceedings of the general meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers 62
Report of open seminar 'urban disaster prevention and restoration strategy for severe earthquake, 'Architectural Institute of Japan no.3
Report of open seminar "urban disaster prevention and restoration strategy for severe earthquake," Architectural Institute of Japan no.3
ページ: 54-62