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[文献書誌] Hui Wang, Hideo Shibayama, Motoatu Miwa, Toshiya Miyauchi: "Effects of gain and phase characteristics for estimating direction of arrival of a sound wave using MUSIC method"Proceeding of Inter noise 2002, INCE. CD media N292. (2002)
[文献書誌] Motoatu Miwa, Hideo Shibayama, Hui Wang, Yoshiyuki Tuchiya: "Estimation of velocity of a moving object by the MUSIC method"Proceeding of Inter noise 2002, INCE. CD media N293. (2002)
[文献書誌] Hideo Sibayama, Yasuyuki Morimoto, Hui Wang: "Visualization of reflective waves"2002 China-Japan Joint Conference on Acoustics. CD media 231. (2002)
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[文献書誌] 三輪 基敦, 柴山 秀雄: "相関波到来時の到来方向とパワー推定"日本音響学会春季講演会論文集. 第1巻. 887-889 (2003)