[文献書誌] Stefania Danko, Kazuo Yamasaki, Takashi Daiho, Hiroshi Suzuki: "Distinct Natures of Be/F-bound, Al/F-bound, and Mg/F-bound Stable Analogues of ADP-insensitive Phosphoenzyme Intermediate of Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Ca^<2+>-ATPase : Changes in catalytic and transport sites during phosphoenzyme hydrolysis"The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 279(In press). (2004)
[文献書誌] Kazuo Yamasaki, Takashi Daiho Stefania Danko, Hiroshi Suzuki: "Multiple and Distinct Effects of Mutations of Tyr^<122>, Glu^<123>, Arg^<324>, and Arg^<334> Involved in Interactions between the Top Part of Second and Fourth Transmembrane Helices in Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Ca^<2+>-ATPase"The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 279・3. 2202-2210 (2004)
[文献書誌] Takashi Daiho, Kazuo Yamasaki, Guoli Wang, Stefania Danko, Hajime Iizuka, Hiroshi Suzuki: "Deletions of any single residues in Glu^<40>-Ser^<48> loop connecting a domain and the first transmembrane helix of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca^<2+>-ATPase result in almost complete inhibition of conformational transition and hydrolysis of phosphoenzyme intermediate"The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 278・40. 39197-39204 (2003)
[文献書誌] Sanae Kato, Mika Kamidochi, Takashi Daiho, Kazuo Yamasaki, Wang Gouli, Hiroshi Suzuki: "Val^<200> residue in Lys^<189>-Lys^<205> outermost loop on the A domain of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca^<2+>-ATPase is critical for rapid processing of phosphoenzyme intermediate after loss of ADP sensitivity"The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 278・11. 9624-9629 (2003)
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[文献書誌] Kazuo Yamasaki, Takashi Daiho, Hiroshi Suzuki: "Remarkable Stability of Solubilized and Delipidated Sarcoplasimc Reticulum Ca2+-ATPase with Tightly Bound Fluoride and Magnesium against Detergent-induced Denaturation"The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 277・16. 13615-13619 (2002)
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[文献書誌] Yamasaki Kazuo, Daiho Takashi, Suzuki Hiroshi: "Roles of ionic interactions between P and N domains of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca^<2+>-ATPase"生化学. 75・8. 965 (2003)
[文献書誌] Suzuki Hiroshi, Yamasaki Kazuo, Daiho Takashi, Miyauchi Yuki, Iizuka Hajime, Danko Stefania: "Structure and function of Ca^<2+> pump and the molecular basis of genetic diseases caused by its mutations"生化学. 75・8. 762 (2003)
[文献書誌] Daiho Takashi, Yamasaki Kazuo, Danko Stefania, Suzuki Hiroshi: "Roles and mechanism of domain movements and interactions in the Ca^<2+> pump"生化学. 75・8. 774 (2003)
[文献書誌] 鈴木 裕: "Ca^<2+>ポンプの構造/機能連関および遺伝子異常と細胞病態"生化学. 75・9. 1215-1224 (2003)
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