[文献書誌] T.Nishio, T.Shimizu, J.C.T.Kwak, A.Minakata: "The cooperative binding of large ligands to a one-dimensional lattice : The steric hindrance effect"Biophysical Chemistry. (in press). (2003)
[文献書誌] M.Arai, M.Ikeda, T.Shimizu: "Comprehensive analysis of transmembrane topologies in prokaryotic genomes"Genes. 303(1). 77-86 (2003)
[文献書誌] D.M.Lao, T.Okuno, T.Shimizu: "Evaluating transmembrane topology prediction methods for the effect of signal peptide in topology prediction"In Silico Biology. (in press). (2003)
[文献書誌] M.Ikeda, M.Arai, T.Shimizu: "TMPDB : a database of experimentally-characterized transmembrane topologies"Nucleic Acids Research. 31(1). 406-409 (2003)
[文献書誌] D.M.Lao, M.Arai, M.Ikeda, T.Shimizu: "The presence of signal peptide significantly affects transmembrane topology prediction"Bioinformatics. 18(12). 1562-1566 (2002)
[文献書誌] N.Miura, K.Shida, R.Kawashima, Y.Kawazoe, H.Fukuda, T.Shimizu: "BREED : automatic brain region extraction method from 3D MRI T1-weighted image"Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography. 26. 927-932 (2002)
[文献書誌] D.M.Lao, T.Okuno, T.Shimizu: "Influence of Signal Peptide in Transmembrane Topology Prediction"Proc. Of the 2002 International Conference on Mathematics and Engineering Techniques in Medicine and Biological Sciences. 461-467 (2002)
[文献書誌] S.Mizuta, T.Shimizu: "Unified Optimization of Neural Network by Genetic Algorith"In Nonlinear Analysis and Convex Analysis---Proceedings of the International Conference edited by W.Takahashi and T.Tanaka Yokohama Publishers, Japan. 281-294 (2003)
[文献書誌] T.Shimizu, A.Minakata: "Effect of divalent cations on the volume of a maleic acid copolymer gel examined by incorporating lysozyme"European Polymer Journal. 38. 1113-1120 (2002)