研究実績の概要 |
The main goal for the FY2015 was the development of the prototype of a novel low-energy neutron detector to investigate the spin-isospin responses of exotic radioactive nuclei using (p,n) reactions in inverse kinematics. To achieve higher signal-to-noise ratio in neutron detection, the online separation of neutrons and gammas is an option. This endeavour fits to the general trend at radioactive beam facilities: to improve the experimental devices to handle the higher beam intensities despite the limitation of DAQ or storage capability. The fellow, L. Stuhl has constructed a prototype detector. The test of the pulse shape discrimination capability was performed by irradiating the scintillator with a 252Cf source and using analog electronics with charge integration method. He successfully realized the discrimination of the signals coming from neutrons and gamma rays. To quantify the efficiency of the separation the Figure of Merit (FoM) was obtained. With our detector the 80% of the FoM value known from literature have been reached. The lower FoM values obtained in current measurements are essentially due to the larger scintillator volume of the new detector that probably blurs the light collection. As a next step the digital readout will be developed.