The research focuses on development of design tools and methods for low-thrust trajectories in multi-body systems. During this period, the following achievements have been made:1. Developed a high fidelity propagator for multi-body, low-thrust trajectories with a generalized control scheme.2. Improved the modelling of eclipse of the analytical averaging method for multi-revolution low-thrust trajectories.3. Applied a new method to analyze the launch window of a micro deep space explorer: PROCYON.4. Presented the results of DESTINY’s orbit raising design and PROCYON’s launch window analysis in the European Space Agency in Germany and the Netherlands.
2: おおむね順調に進展している
The research is on a good progress as planned, thanks to the successful implementation of the high fidelity propagator and the low-thrust analytical averaging method in C++. The new tools are tested and applied to aid designing the trajectory of a recently launched micro-spacecraft PROCYON.
The research will continue with extending the detailed modelling of the DESTINY spacecraft and analysis of high-fidelity low-thrust trajectories in a multi-body system. New methods on predicting the Earth’s encounter location will be applied to aid the orbit design and operation of the mission PROCYON.The research will be implemented in the following steps:1) Improve the accuracy of modelling the DESTINY spacecraft system, which includes power, mass, and ion engine parameters, etc.2) Perform simulations on the new DESTINY system design.3) Develop a new analytical method to predict the encounter location of a low-thrust trajectory in multi-body system.4) Apply new the method to help designing the micro-asteroid explorer mission PROCYON.
すべて 2015 2014
すべて 学会発表 (2件)