研究実績の概要 |
We completed the first topic entitled “Gender, sibling order, and differences in the quantity and quality of educational attainment: Evidence using Japanese twin data”. Using 1,045 pairs of Japanese monozygotic twins, we examined differences in education by considering both the years of schooling (quantity) and the reputation of the last attended school (quality). We found that a difference in learning performance at 15 years of age is one of the key factors determining the differences. We also found that when the eldest child in the family was a female twin from the 1950s and 1960s birth cohorts, she averaged 0.542 years less schooling than did her “younger” twin sister. However, for the same birth cohorts, when the eldest child in the family was a male twin, he gained some advantage in the quality of education over his “younger” twin brother. Nonetheless, we found that as the Japanese economy has developed, any difference in education between twins has disappeared in subsequent birth cohorts, regardless of gender and sibling order. The manuscript of the first topic was revised twice. The current version has been improved in literature review, clarity of the writing, and put additional subordinate facts about Japanese society. The manuscript was submitted to and now is under review at the Asian Economic Journal since February 2015. Besides, we collected and did literature reviews on intra-household resource allocation and contemporary issues in family economics from latest articles and new published books.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
The paper entitled “Gender, sibling order, and differences in the quantity and quality of educational attainment: Evidence using Japanese twin data” was rejected after two revisions. The reason is that we cannot satisfy with a requirement from one of the referees about rewriting the whole manuscript based on his/her unspecified outlines. However, the paper is now under review at the Asian Economic Journal. We also made two revisions on the manuscript.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
We have submitted the work entitled “Gender, sibling order, and differences in the quantity and quality of educational attainment: Evidence using Japanese twin data” for oral presentations at oversea conferences. One of the conferences is Singapore Economic Review Conference (SERC) 2015 in Singapore. The other one is International Association for Research in Economic Psychology Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics Joint International Conference in Romania. If accepted, we will secure two overseas presentations in 2015.