The last months of my JSPS fellowship were dedicated to preparing for upcoming PALIS commissioning experiments taking place in the following autumn. This included installing the PALIS set-up back to the BigRIPS F2 chamber and work to resolve issues that arose during the previous experiments in FY2015, for example isolating sources of vibrations that affected the laser beam positioning. Additionally, a motorized stage for final aiming of the laser was developed. The stage was successfully utilized during the measurements in autumn where provided critical laser alignment aid.Regarding the primary JSPS fellowship research project, multiple potential ionization schemes were identified for osmium and tungsten leveraging on the combined Dye and Titanium:sapphire system. In anticipation for applying these schemes, the resonance ionization process within the PALIS-system has been simulated utilizing rate-equations in order to determine the factors affecting the, and to probe the ionization efficiency. These simulations will be invaluable when proceeding towards high-resolution RIS utilizing an injection-locked Titanium:sapphire laser, recently commissioned in an off-line conditions with zirconium in collaboration with the University of Nagoya.Shortly after finishing the JSPS fellowship, I began an Academy of Finland funded 3 years position in Finland. This position includes funding for research Japan thus enabling a direct continuation for the research projects started under the JSPS fellowship.
すべて 2017 2016
すべて 雑誌論文 (2件) (うち国際共著 2件、 査読あり 2件、 謝辞記載あり 2件) 学会発表 (1件) (うち国際学会 1件)
Physical Review
巻: 95 ページ: 011305
Review of Scientific Instruments
巻: 87 ページ: 065104