研究課題/領域番号 |
研究機関 | 東北大学 |
研究代表者 |
徐 少林 東北大学, 工学研究科, 特別研究員(DC2)
研究期間 (年度) |
2014-04-25 – 2016-03-31
キーワード | Micro/nano-fabrication / 3D ultrasonic vibration / One-point diamond tools / Textured surfaces / Surface wettability |
研究実績の概要 |
In the past one year, I mainly carried out my research project from the following three aspects: (1) first, the material removal mechanisms of the micro/nano-fabrication processes were studied by analyzing the relationship between the cutting edges' geometries and the related textural features; (2) then, the geometrically defined one-point diamond tools were designed and manufactured, and the surface generation models by using these tools were established for predicting the 3D surface textures; (3) finally, different types of micro/nano-textured surfaces were fabricated, and their wetting properties were evaluated and discussed. The material removal mechanisms under the longitudinal vibration mode and the circular vibration mode were clarified. The geometry of diamond cutting tip has a significant influence on the textural features of finished surfaces and the texturing processes under different vibration modes require different types of geometries of the cutting edges. Geometrically defined diamond tools can be designed based on the material removal mechanisms, and the experimental results shown that the designed tools are capable for fabricating periodic micro/nano-textures under appropriate conditions. The textural features can be predicted by using the proposed modelling processes. The results of surface wettability shown that the wetting properties can be controlled by modulating the textural features at the micro/nanometer scale, and the anisotropic wetting properties can be obtained by fabricating directional surface textures.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
I believe that I have achieved the goals which I set in my initial research plan. According to the plan, I should finish research works of two aspects in the past one year: (1) the design of geometrically defined diamond tools; (2) the preliminary evaluation of functions of textured surfaces. For the first aspect, I successfully designed different types of geometrically defined one-point diamond tools, which are capable of fabricating micro/nano-textured surfaces under different vibration modes. The material removal mechanisms by using these tools in the surface texturing processes were also clarified. For the second aspect, different types of micro/nano-textured surfaces were successfully fabricated, and their wetting properties were evaluated by testing the water contact angles. The relationship between the wetting properties and textural features were preliminarily studied by theoretical analysis and experimental verification. Other possible functions of the textured surfaces, like their friction and wear properties under lubricated conditions, are also being evaluated. All the research about the functions of textured surfaces will be further improved in the future work.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
The future work will be mainly carried out according to the initial research plan. The research about the applications of the micro/nano-textured surfaces will be the primary task in the next one year. I will evaluate the wetting properties and the friction and wear properties of the textured surfaces. The theories about how do the textural features change or control these properties will be studied for guiding the design of textural features. As for the wetting properties, the hydrophilic or superhydrophilic surfaces and surfaces with obvious anisotropic wetting properties are expected to be obtained by modulating the textural features; as for the friction and wear properties, the low-friction textured surfaces under lubricated conditions are expected to be obtained by designing the features of micro/nano-patterns on the surfaces. To achieve the goals mentioned above, a wide range of machinable structures will be required by using the proposed texturing method in my research. Therefore, geometrically defined tools will be further designed to meet the requirements.