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[文献書誌] Lee R., Shiina, H,.Takakura, H.Kwon, Y.J., Kambayashi, Y.: "Optimization of Geographic Area to a Web Page for Two-Dimensional Range Query Processing"The 3^<rd> International Workshop on Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems. 1-9 (2003)
[文献書誌] Tezuka, T., Lee, R., Takakura, H., Kambayashi, Y.: "Integrated Model for a Region-Specific Search Systems and Its Implementation"International Conference on Internet Information Retrieval 2003. 243-248 (2003)
[文献書誌] Lee, R., Shiina, H., Takakura, H., Kamyayashi, Y., Kwon, Y.J.: "Map-based Range Query Processing for Geographic Web Search Systems"Digital City III Workshop, International Conference on Communities and Technologies. (2003)
[文献書誌] Fujioka, T., Karuno, H., Kambayashi, Y.: "Practices of Information Education with Squeak toward the Securely Improvement of 'Academic"Second International Conference on Creating, Connecting and Collaborating through Computing (C5 2004). (2004)
[文献書誌] Takada, H., Ogino, T., Mita, Y., Kambayashi, Y.: "Utilization of Histories for Advanced Learning and Creation Systems"International Conference on Informatics Research for Development of Knowledge Society Infrastructure 2004. (2004)
[文献書誌] Y.Kambayashi, M.K.Mohania, W.Woss(Eds.): "Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery (DaWak 2003), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 2737"Springer-Verlag. 423 (2003)