すべて 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003
すべて 雑誌論文 (146件) 図書 (12件)
日本語学 Vol.26
ページ: 22-32
Theoretical and Applied Linguistics at Kobe Shoin No.10
ページ: 17-32
Discussion Paper(名古屋学院大学総合研究所) No.67
ページ: 1-33
人工知能学会研究会資料 SIG-SLUD-A603
ページ: 39-44
ページ: 45-76
名古屋学院大論集 言語・文化篇 Vol.18, No.2(印刷中)
Japanese/Korean Linguistics Vol.15(In press)
Nihongogaku Vol. 26
Theoretical and Applied Linguistics at Kobe Shoin No. 10
Discussion Paper, No. 67, Nagoya Gakuin University Research Institute
Technical Report of Japanese Society of Artificial Intelligence, SIG-SLUD- A603
Nagoya Gakuin University Studies : Language and Culture Vol. 18, No. 2(in press)
In McGloin, N. et al. (eds.), Japanese/Korean Linguistics 15, Center for the Study of Language and In- formation, Stanford (in press)
In McGloin, N. et al. (eds.), Japanese/Korean Linguistics 15. Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford (in press)
In Shibatani, M. et al. (eds.), The History and the Structure of Japanese. (Tokyo : Kurosio Syuppan) (in press)
Theoretical and Applied Linguistics at Kobe Shoin No.9
ページ: 17-30
Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics (JACIII)
ページ: 349-361
English Linguistics Vol.23, No.1
ページ: 86-112
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 Vol.106, No.219
ページ: 1-6
ページ: 57-71
ページ: 120-125
ページ: 187
ページ: 43-52
ページ: 33-42
Theoretical and Applied Linguistics at Kobe Shoin No. 9
Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, Fuji Technology Press
English Linguistics Vol. 23, No. 1
ページ: 86- 112
Technical Report of the Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers Vol. 106, No. 219, HCS2006-34
Proceedings of the 23rd Meeting of Japanese Society of Cognitive Science
Proceedings of the 4th Meeting of Japanese Society of Cognitive Psychology
Theoretical Approaches to Natural Language : Semantics (Language and Culture Joint Research Project 2006)
Proceedings of the 7th Meeting of Japanese Society of Japanese Grammar
In Ueda, Isao and Hisashi Noda (eds.), Papers in Honor of Prof Koizumi on His 80th Birthday (Daigaku Shorin)
ページ: 35-45
In Masuoka, Takashi (ed.), Contrastive Study of Conditional Expressions (Kurosio Syuppan)
ページ: 3- 28
ページ: 127-150
In Symposion-Papers in Honor of Prof Takaoka Koichi on His Retire ment(Asahi Press)
ページ: 53-62
大阪樟蔭女子大学日本語研究センター報告 Vol.13
Theoretical and Applied Linguistics at Kobe Shoin No.8
ページ: 21-36
月刊言語 34巻8号
ページ: 24-31
名古屋学院大学論集 言語・文化篇 16巻2号
ページ: 1-17
社会言語科学 7巻2号
ページ: 3-13
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Conversational Informatics
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies Vol.62, No.2
ページ: 193-209
2nd Conference of the International Society of Gesture Studies
ページ: 50
ページ: 265
Journal of Japanese Linguistics 20
ページ: 41-50
プロソディーの多様性と普遍性に関する総合的研究 (3)
ページ: 50-58
ページ: 53-81
ページ: 857-857
ページ: 386-387
ページ: 911-911
ページ: 35-42
日本語の研究 1巻2号
ページ: 98-104
言語・情報・テクスト Vol.12
ページ: 1-31
月刊 言語 Vol.34, No.11
ページ: 14-21
中国語学 252
ページ: 61-71
Cognitive Science Vol. 11, No. 3
ページ: 214- 227
Report of Japanese Study Center of Osaka Shoin Women's University Vol. 13
Theoretical and Applied Linguistics at Kobe Shoin No. 8
Monthly Gengo Vol. 34, No. 8
Nagoya Gakuin University Studies : Language and Culture Vol. 16, No. 2
ページ: 39-55
Social Linguistic Sciences Vol. 7, No. 2
ページ: 1- 6
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies Vol. 62, No. 2
2nd Conference of the International Society of Gesture Studies 50-
2nd Conference of the International Society of Gesture Studies 265-
Journal of Japanese Linguistics Vol. 20
Studies on Variation and Universals in Prosody No. 3
Proceedings of the 68th Meeting of Japanese Society of Psychology 857- 857
Proceedings of the 22nd Meeting of Japanese Society of Cognitive Science
Proceedings of the 69th Meeting of Japanese Society of Psychology
ページ: 911- 911
Theoretical Approaches to Natural Language : Semantics (Language and Culture Joint Research Project 2005)
Studies in the Japanese Language Vol. 1, No. 2
Language, Information, Text Vol. 12
Monthly Gengo Vol. 34, No. 11
ページ: 14- 21
Chinese Linguistics No. 252
Hituzi Syobo
In The Status Quo of French Linguistics-Papers in Honor of Prof Kinoshita on His 77th Birthday (Hakusuisha)
ページ: 15-34
In Hayata, Teruhiro (ed.), Japanese in the World Languages (Asakura Shoten)
ページ: 42-64
Theoretical and Applied Linguistics at Kobe Shoin No.6
ページ: 21-34
名古屋学院大学論集 言語・文化篇 Vol.15-1・2
ページ: 1-19
Proceedings of the International Conference on Algorithmic Mathematics and Computer Science
ページ: 391-395
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (InTech 2004), Houston Texas
ページ: 226-235
Diagrams 2004
認知科学 11巻3号
ページ: 214-227
ページ: 312-313
Theoretical and Applied Linguistics at Kobe Shoin No.7
ページ: 83-101
文法と音声 IV
ページ: 101-122
ページ: 27-36
Theoretical and Applied Linguistics at Kobe Shoin No. 6
Nagoya Gakuin University Studies : Language and Culture Vol. 15, No. 1・ 2
Proceedings of the International Con- ference on Algorithmic Mathematics & Computer Science.(CSREA Press)
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (InTech 2004)
Proceedings of the 21st Meeting of Japanese Society of Cognitive Science
Theoretical and Applied Linguistics at Kobe Shoin No. 7
Grammar and Sound IV, Kurosio Syuppan
Theoretical Approaches to Natural Language-Semantics (Language and Culture Joint Research Project 2004)
In Gunji, Takao and Taisuke Nishi- gauchi (eds.), Handbook of Language Sciences. (In Japanese) (Kenkyusha)
ページ: 151-194
In Gunji, Takao and Taisuke Nishigauchi (eds.), Handbook of Language Sciences. (In Japanese)(Kenkyusha)
ページ: 37-81
言語研究 Vol.124
ページ: 155-174
名古屋学院大学論集 : 人文・自然科学篇 Vol.39, No.2
ページ: 31-42
名古屋学院大学論集 : 言語・文化篇 Vol.14, No.2
ページ: 57-68
日本認知学会第20回大会論文集 Vo.20
ページ: 272-273
Proceedings of International Workshop : From Semantic Web to Semantic World
ページ: 1-4
Proceedings of ICCS/ASCS-2003 Joint International Con-ference on Cognitive Science (CD-ROM)
Proceedings of 25th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society
ページ: 1170-1175
Proceedings of IGC (Interactive Graphical Communication)
ページ: 83-86
Proceedings of 2nd Interactive Workshop on Interactive Graphical Communication
ページ: 69-78
ISCA Workshop on Error-Handling in Spoken Dialogue Systems
ページ: 107-111
Proceedings of INTERACT 2003 Ninth IFIP TC13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
ページ: 713-716
Proceedings of EuroSpeech2003
ページ: 161-164
情報処理 Vol.44, No.12
ページ: 1233-1238
日本音響学会誌 Vol.59, No.3
ページ: 165-171
Kansai Linguistic Society Vol.23
ページ: 106-116
日本心理学会第66回大会論文集 No.66
ページ: 1AM114
ページ: 33-41
日本語学 Vol.22, No.9
ページ: 6-11
The Conference Handbook of the 2nd Seoul International Conference on Discourse and Cognitive Linguistice
ページ: 593-604
Gengo Kenkyu Vol. 124
Nagoya Gakuin University Studies : Humanities and Natural Science Vol. 39, No. 2
Nagoya Gakuin University Studies : Language and Culture Vol. 14, No. 2
Proceeding of the 20th Meeting of Japanese Society of Cognitive Science Vol. 20
Proceedings of ICCS/ASCS-2003 Joint International Conference on Cognitive Science (CD-ROM)
ページ: 1170- 1175
ページ: 713- 716
ページ: 161- 164
Journal of Japanese Society of Information Processing Vol. 44, No. 12
Journal of Japanese Society of Phonetics Vol. 59, No. 3
Kansai Linguistic Society Vol. 23
Proceedings of the 66th Meeting of Japanese Society of Psychology No. 66, 1AM114
Semantics Structure of Natural Language (Language and Culture Joint Research Project 2003)
Nihongogaku Vol. 22, No. 9
The Conference Handbook of the 2nd Seoul International Conference on Discourse and Cognitive Linguistics
ページ: 593- 604
In A. Li, and A. Simpson (eds.), Functional Structure(s), Form and Interpretation : Perspectives from East Asian Languages, London : Routledge
ページ: 97-128