すべて 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003
すべて 雑誌論文 (417件) 図書 (16件)
ページ: 1-7
Environmental Science and Pollution Research International, Munster analytical slotions gmbh
地域学研究 Vol.36,No.4
ページ: 977-991
ページ: 1055-1066
Environmental Science and Pollution Research International, Munster analytical s lotions gmbh, January 17^<th> 2007
Studies in Regional Science Vol.36, No.4
Japan Society of Energy and Resources, the 23th Energy System-Economy-Environment conference
ページ: 445-448
The Lark Hill, Kohmura Inc No.29
ページ: 21-31
Environmental Management
ページ: 579-588
Environmental Management, Springer, New York Vol.37, No5
地域学研究 vol.35,No.3
ページ: 595-610
地域学研究 Vol.35,No.3
ページ: 637-653
地域学研究 Vol.35,No.4
ページ: 785-801
地域学研究 Vol.36,No.1
ページ: 21-35
ページ: 241-254
環境情報科学論文集 No.20
ページ: 445-450
地域学研究 Vol.36,No.2
ページ: 355-374
環境共生 第12号
ページ: 25-34
Regional Science Association International : International Symposium, Indian Institute of management, Bangalore, India
ページ: 1-6
ページ: 519-522
45th Annual Meeting of the Western Regional Science Association La Fonda ~ Santa Fe, New Mexico
Regional Science Association International Workshop 2006, Globalization, Sustainable Development and Regional Science, Shanghai, China
Regions on a Global Platform 9th PRSCO Summer Institute, Berjaya Times Square Hotel & Convention Center, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Regions on a Global Platform 9th PRSCO Summer Institute,Berjaya Times Square Hotel & Convention Center. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
European Regional Science Association (ERSA), Volos, Greece
ページ: 107-111
ページ: 1-19
The 53rd Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International Conference, in Toronto, Canada
第43回日本地域学会年次大会学術発表論文集 (CD-ROM)
International Symposium and 37th Annual Conference of the Indian Regional Science Association, Bangalore, India
ページ: 1-30
45th Annual Meeting of the Western Regional Science Association, Santa Fe, New Mexico
ページ: 1-35
RSAI Workshop, Shanghai, China
ページ: 1-20
Joint Workshop on Social Metabolism and Ecological Engineering, Austria
ページ: 1-15
A Regional Econometric Model Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2006 Intermediate Input-Output Meetings on Sustainability, Trade & Productivity, Sendai, Japan
46th Congress of the European Regional Science Association (ERSA)
ページ: 1-9
53rd Annual Conference, North American Meetings of the RSAI
ページ: 1-18
ページ: 1-16
ページ: 1-10
Environmental Management, Springer, New York 37, No5
Studies in Regional Science vol.35, no.3
Studies in Regional Science vol.35, no.4
Studies in Regional Science vol.36, no.1
Papers on Environmental Information Science No.20
Studies in Regional Science vol.36, No.2
Japan Association for Human and Environmental Symbiosis Vol.12
Regional Science Association International : International Symposium, Indian Institute of management, Bangalore, India. January 8th
Japan Society of Energy and Resources, the 22th Energy System-Economy-Environment conference
45th Annual Meeting of the Western Regional Science Association La Fonda〜Santa Fe, New Mexico
ページ: 22-25
Regional Science Association International Workshop 2006, Globalization, Sustainable Development and Regional Science, SHANGHAI CHINA
European Regional Science Association (ERSA) Volos, Greece
Japan Association for Human and Environmental Symbiosis
The 43^<rd> Annual Meeting of the Japan Section of the RSAI, Chiba University of Commerce Ichikawa City, Chiba, Japan (CD-ROM)
In the Autumn National Assembly 2006,Japan Association for Real Estate Science
The 53rd Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International Conference in Toronto, Canada
The 53rd Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International, Conference in Toronto, Canada
The Autumn Assembly 2006, Japan Association for Applied Economics, Hiroshima Shudo University
The 43^<rd> Annual Meeting of the Japan Section of the RSAI, Chiba University of Commerce Ichikawa City, Chiba, Japan
A Regional Econometric Model, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
The Spring Assembly 2006, Japan Association for Applied Economics, Fukuoka
Oceanic White Paper, Vol.3, Chapter 1, No.3(Ocean Policy Research Foundation)
ページ: 32-40(241)
The Lark Hill, Sasaki Planning No.28
ページ: 11-34
Environmental Pollution
ページ: 83-90
環境共生 vol.10
ページ: 16-25
計画行政 第28巻第3号
ページ: 56-62
会計検査研究 第32号
ページ: 51-70
環境情報科学論文集 No.19
ページ: 321-324
地域学研究 第35巻1号
ページ: 113-124
環境共生 第11号
ページ: 33-42
ページ: 3-12
税 第60巻9号
ページ: 127-133
地域学研究 第35巻2号
ページ: 281-294
環境共生 Vol.10
ページ: 45-63
地域学研究 Vol.35 No.4
ページ: 1007-1020
ページ: 851-868
The 19th Pacific Regional Science Conference, College of Economics, Nihon University, Tokyo (CD-ROM)
ページ: 1-36
ページ: 1-17
ページ: 1-12
45th Congress of the European Regional Science Association, V4ij3 Universiteit Amsterdam, CD-ROM, paper number537
ページ: 25-30
ページ: 31-36
ページ: 121-125
ページ: 127-132
ページ: 325-330
ページ: 331-336
ページ: 391-396
ページ: 547-552
ページ: 553-558
ページ: 571-576
52nd Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
ページ: 1-37
環境情報科学センター 第19回 環境研究発表会
The 19^<th> Pacific Regional Science Conference
Western Regional Science Association, San Diego, USA
19th PRSCO Conference, Tokyo
ページ: 1-14
35th British and Irish Section of the RSAI, Stratford-upon-Avon, England
45th Congress of the European Regional Science Association, Free University, Amsterdam, Holland
Final Open Conference, Barcelona, Spain
The Proceeding of the International Symposium of Environmental Symbiosis and Urban Regeneration Policy
ページ: 177-190
ページ: 91-96
Environmental Pollution 135
Japan Association for Human and Environmental Symbiosis vol.10
Japan Association for Planning Administration Vol.28, No.3
Government Auditing Review No.32
Environmental Information Science No.19
Studies in Regional Science vol.35, No.1
Japan Association for Human and Environmental Symbiosis Vol 11
The Tax Vol.60, No.9
Studies in Regional Science vol.35, No.2
JAHES Vol.10
Studies in Regional Science Vol.35, No.4
45th Congress of the European Regional Science Association, 23-27, August 2005, V4ij3 Universiteit Amsterdam (CD-ROM), paper number537
The 29^<th> Annual Meeting of the ANERSAI
The 42th Annual Meeting of the Japan Section of the RSAI, Tottori University, Tottri City, Japan
52nd Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International, 2005, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
The 19t^<th> Meeting of the Center for Environmental Information Science, Nihon University Hall, Tokyo Nov.29
19th PRSCO Conference, Tokyo, Japan
35th British and Irish Section of the RSAI, Stratford-upon- Avon, England
45th Congress of the European Regional Science Association, Free University, Amsterdam, Holland, August
Final Open Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 9th June to 11th June
The Proceeding of the International Symposium of Environmental Symbiosis and Urban Regeneration Policy, Tottori, Japan
The 42th Annual Meeting of the Japan Section of the RSAI, Tottori University, Tottori City, Japan
ページ: l-14
Bulletin of Research Institute of Economic Science College of Economics Nihon University, Research Institute of Economic Science College of Economics Nihon University No.35
ページ: 39-96(166)
University of Trollhattan/Uddevalla
ページ: 295-304
The Japanese Journal of Real Estate Sciences Vol.70, No3
ページ: 23-29
The Lark Hill, Sasaki Planning No.27
ページ: 13-32
環境共生 vol.9
ページ: 80-86
The Journal of Econometric Study of Northeast Asia(JESNA) Vol.5, no.1
ページ: 71-105
地域学研究 vol.34, no.1
ページ: 117-138
ページ: 219-245
地域学研究 vol.34, no.3
税 Vol.59,No.4
ページ: 160-169
税 Vol.59,No.5
ページ: 209-215
ページ: 90-98
資産評価政策学 第6巻第2号
ページ: 2-10
地域学研究 Vol.34 No.1
ページ: 481-508
土木計画学 Vol.21,No.2
ページ: 289-300
地域学研究 Vol.34,No.3
ページ: 199-218
ページ: 19-22
World Conference South Africa Meetings of RSAI, April 14, Port Elizabeth
ページ: 1-48
34^<th> Annual Conference of RSAI British and Irish Section
ページ: 7-12
ページ: 13-18
ページ: 43-48
ページ: 257-262
ページ: 269-274
ページ: 297-302
ページ: 485-489
ページ: 496-501
ページ: 520-524
ページ: 639-644
ページ: 1-13
ページ: 1-25
The 8th PRSCO Summer Institute, Chili
ページ: 39-44
ページ: 63-66
The 50^<th> Annual North American Meetings of RSAI
RSAI World Conference 2004, Port Elizabeth, South Africa
PRSCO Summer Institute 2004
ページ: 19-24
日本環境共生学会 平成16年度学術大会
社団法人日本不動産学会 平成16年度秋季全国大会梗概集,20号
ページ: 25-28
The 9th Regional Science Association International at South Africa
PRESCO at Voldevia University
7th World Congress of the RSAI, Port Elizabeth
ページ: 1-22
34th British and Irish Section of the RSAI, Ireland, Cork
8th Summer Institute of the PRSCO, Chile, Valdivia
ページ: 531-536
ページ: 37-42
Japan Association for Human and Environmental Symbiosis vol.9
The Journal of Econometric Study of Northeast Asia (JESNA) Vol.5, no.1
Studies in Regional Science vol.34, no.1
Studies in Regional Science vol.34, no.3
The Tax Vol.59, No.4
The Tax Vol.59, No.5
Journal of Property Assessment Policy Vol.6, No.2
Studies in Regional Science Vol.34, No.1
Infrastructure Planning Vol.21, No.2
Studies in Regional Science Vol.34, No.3
Technical Report of the Project of Biomass Recycling System in the Lake Kasumigaura Basin, The science and Technology Promotion Foundation of Ibaraki
World Conference South Africa Meetings of RSAI, Port Elizabeth
34^<th> Annual Conference of RSAI British and Irish Section, University College Cork, Ireland
The 41^<st> Annual Meeting of the Japan Section of the RSAI, Waseda University, Shinjuku-ku Tokyo, Japan
ページ: 469-501
The 27^<th> Annual Meeting of Japan Association for Planning Administration, Keio University, Fujisawa, Japan
ページ: l-12
The 8^<th> PRSCO Summer Institute, Chili
The 2004 Conference of the Japan Association for Human Environmental Symbiosis
Japan Association for Human and Environmental Symbiosis, Tokoname City Aichi, Japan
Collected Papers for Presentation In the Autumn National Assembly 2004, Japan Association for Real Estate Sciences No.20
PRESCO at Voldevia University, September
The 41st Annual Meeting of the Japan Section of the RSAI, Waseda University, Shinjuku-ku Tokyo, Japan
New Agricultural Information Engineering, Perspective of the 21^<st> Century, Yokendo
ページ: 282-283(289)
City Environmental Maintenance Theory, Chapter 9, FKI Media, Seoul, Korea
ページ: 146-151(354)
Survey Reports on Business Administration Trends No.27
ページ: 83-92(242)
ページ: 93-125
The Lark Hill, Sasaki Planning No.26
ページ: 15-26
環境共生 vol.8
ページ: 67-77
会計検査研究 No.28
ページ: 141-155
地域学研究 vol.33 No.3
ページ: 231-246
ページ: 67-84
ページ: 49-66
税経通信 Vol.58,No.11
ページ: 65-72
環境共生 No.8
ページ: 78-89
地域学研究 第33巻第3号
ページ: 299-311
環境共生 Vol.8
ページ: 50-64
地域学研究 Vol.33 No.1
ページ: 59-74
地域学研究 Vol.33,No.1
ページ: 45-58
18^<th> Pacific Regional Science Conference, Acapulco, MEX Session8-2(CD-ROM)
ページ: 1-3
18^<th> Pacific Regional Science Conference, Acapulco, MEX Session2-5(CD-ROM)
ページ: 1-33
18^<th> Pacific Regional Science Conference, Acapulco, MEX Session6-5(CD-ROM)
ページ: 1-24
18^<th> Pacific Regional Science Conference, Acapulco, MEX Session4-5(CD-ROM)
ページ: 1-44
18^<th> Pacific Regional Science Conference, Acapulco, MEX Session6-3(CD-ROM)
18^<th> Pacific Regional Science Conference, Acapulco, MEX Session9-6(CD-ROM)
The 43^<rd> Congress of the European Regional Science Association (ERSA) Jyvaskyla
The 43^<rd> Congress of the European regional Science Association (ERSA) Jyvaskyla
ページ: 57-59
27^<TH> Australia & New Zealand Regional Science Association International(ANZRSAI),Melbourne
ページ: 159-161
日本環境共生学会2003年度学術大会発表論文集 Vol.10
ページ: 49-54
ページ: 33-40
ページ: 57-62
ページ: 273-278
ページ: 279-284
ページ: 407-414
ページ: 415-422
ページ: 423-430
ページ: 431-438
ページ: 1-32
The 19th Regional Science Association International, at Acapulco
ページ: 9-9
ページ: 251-258
British and Irish Section of RSAI, Scotland, U.K
ページ: 1-41
42th North American Regional Science Meeting, Philadelphia, USA
Japan Association for Human and Environmental Symbiosis vol.8
Government Auditing Review Board of Audit of Japan no.28
Studies in Regional Science vol.33, no.3
Zeikei Tsushin Vol.58, No.11
Japan Association for Human and Environmental Symbiosis Vol 8
Studies in Regional Science vol.33, No.3
Japan Association for Human and Environmental Symbiosis Vol.8
Studies in Regional Science Vol.33, No.1
18^<th> Pacific Regional Science Conference, Acapulco, MEX (CD-ROM) Session8-2
18^<th> Pacific Regional Science Conference, Acapulco, MEX (CD-ROM) Session2-5
18^<th> Pacific Regional Science Conference, Acapulco, MEX Session6-5
18^<th> Pacific Regional Science Conference, Acapulco, MEX (CD-ROM) Session6-5
18^<th> Pacific Regional Science Conference, Acapulco, MEX (CD-ROM) Session4-5
18^<th> Pacific Regional Science Conference, Acapulco, MEX (CD-ROM) Session6-3
18^<th> Pacific Regional Science Conference, Acapulco, MEX (CD-ROM) Session9-6
The 43^<rd> Congress of the European Regional Science Association (ERSA) Jyvaskyla, Finland August
ページ: 27-30
The 43^<rd> Congress of the European regional Science Association (ERSA) Jyvaskyla, Finland August
The 26^<th> Annual Meeting of the Japan Association for Planning and Administration, Diversified Partnership and Local-based Planning Policy Sep.
27^<TH> Australia & New Zealand Regional Science Association International (ANZRSAI), Melbourne Sep.
26^<th> Annual Meeting of Japan Association for Planning Administration, Sendai, Japan Sep.
Japan Association for Human and Environmental Symbiosis Vol.10,
The 40th Annual Meeting of the Japan Section of the RSAI, University of Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan Nov.1-2
The 11st International Institute of Public Finance, Sapporo Convention Center
Collected Papers for Presentation In the 40th Annual Meeting of the Japan Section of the RSAI, University of Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan, Environment Nov.1-2
British and Irish Section of RSAI, Scotland, U.K.
Research Center of Organization for Promoting Urban Development, Gyosei Corp.
ページ: 263
Security of Society and the System, University Research Center of Nihon University
ページ: 484
The Dai-Ichi Housing Research & Advancement Foundation
ページ: 185
Edward Elgar (eds.R.Stough, Y.Higano, K.Button, P.Nijikamp)
ページ: 524-537