[文献書誌] Yumiko Nara: "Risks and Information Ethics on the Internet"危険と管理(日本リスクマネジメント学会). 35(in print).
[文献書誌] Yukio Ohsawa, Yumiko Nara: "Human Decision Modeling across the Net and Real World by Double Helical Model of Chance Discovery"Journal of New Generation Computing, Springer Verlag and Ohmsha. Vol.21 No.2. (2003)
[文献書誌] Yumiko Nara, Tetsuji Iseda: "Ethics on the Internet : A Comparative Study of Japan, the United States, and Singapore, in Andrew Feenberg and Darin Barney, editors. Community_in_the Digital Age : Philosophy and Practice, chapter 9"Rowman and Littlefield(in print).
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[文献書誌] Yumiko Nara, Yukio Ohsawa: "Foundations and Applications, Yukio Ohsawa and Peter McBurney, editors. Chance Discovery"Springer Verlag. 401 (2003)
[文献書誌] 奈良由美子, 大澤幸生: "社会調査における応用、大澤幸生監修著、チャンス発見の情報技術"東京電気大学出版局. 354 (2003)