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[文献書誌] Xu, B., Wu, Z.S., Yokoyama, K.: "Post Earthquake Damage Detection for a Cable Stayed Bride with Neural Networks"Journal of Applied Mechanics, JSCE. Vol.6. 1149-1156 (2003)
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[文献書誌] Wu, Z.S.: "Structural Health Monitoring and Intelligent Infrastructure in Japan"SHMII-1'2003. Vol. 1. 153-167 (2003)
[文献書誌] Xu, B., Wu, Z.S.: "Long-Gauge Fiber-Optic Sensor for Dynamic Strain Measurement and Structural Health Monitoring"SHMII-1'2003. Vol.1. 299-307 (2003)
[文献書誌] Xu, B., Wu, Z.S., Yokoyama, K.: "Response Time Series Based Structural Parametric Assessment Approach with Neural Networks"SHMII-1'2003. Vol.1. 601-609 (2003)
[文献書誌] Wu, Z.S., Xu, B., Hayashi, K., Machida, A.: "Fiber Optic Sensing of RC Girder Strengthened with Prestressed PBO Fiber Sheets"SHMII-1'2003. Vol.2. 1191-1199 (2003)