[文献書誌] F.A.Garner, N.Sakimura et al.: "The Surprinsingly Large Influence of Displacement Rate on the Swelling of Pure Metals, Fe-based FCC and BCC Alloys, and Vanadium Alloys"Journal of Nuclear Materials. (In press). (2004)
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[文献書誌] S.Shimakawa, N.Sekimura, N.Nojiri: "NPRIM Computer Code of Neutron Dose Calculation for Radiation Damage Estimation"Proceedings of the 11^<th> International symposium on Reactor Dosimetry. 283-288 (2003)
[文献書誌] 関村 直人: "材料照射劣化における階層性と照射相関"フォーラム保全学. Vol.1, No.3. 73-78 (2003)