すべて 2006 2005 2004 2003 その他
すべて 雑誌論文 (192件) 図書 (38件)
宣伝会議 1月1日号(通巻684号)
ページ: 20-21
ハイテクインフォメーション(中国技術振興センター) No.168
ページ: 4-14
Proceedings of International Symposium on Management Engineering R20
ページ: 1-8
商品開発・管理研究(商品開発・管理学会) 第2巻第1号
ページ: 49-58
国際経営・システム科学研究(早稲田大学アジア太平洋研究センター) 第37号
ページ: 113-114
Kansei Engineering International (Japan Society of Kansei Engineering) (印刷中)
Marketing and Creativity(Chugoku Technology Promotion Center) No.684
Proceedings of International Symposium on Management Engineering(Graduate School of Information, Production and Systems, Waseda University) R20
Journal of Product Development and Management(Association of Product Development amd Management) Vol.2, No.1
Bulletin of Waseda University Business School No.37
ページ: 113-124
Kansei Engineering International(Japan Society of Kansei Engineering) Vol.6, No.1(in printing)
Official Guide to Software Japan(Information Processing Society of Japan)
ページ: 43-50
4th Meeting of Inter College Seminar, Japanese Society for Quality Control (Preprints)
ページ: 1-6
Proceedings of 6th Annual Conference of Association of Product Development and Management
ページ: 29-34
ページ: 35-40
ページ: 41-46
国際経営・システム科学研究(早稲田大学アジア太平洋研究センター) 第36号
ページ: 93-107
商品開発・管理研究(商品開発・管理学会) 第1巻第1号
ページ: 60-71
早稲田ビジネススクール・レビュー 第2号
ページ: 20-22
ページ: 31-34
ページ: 43-46
Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics Vol.9,No.5
ページ: 440-452
INDUST(全国産業廃棄物連合会) 第20巻第10号
ページ: 2-9
Proceedings of EcoDesign 2005 : 4th International Symposium on Environmentally conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing 1A-1-2S
Proceedings of EcoDesign 2005 : 4th International Symposium on Environmentally conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing P-34
ページ: 1-4
Proceedings of EcoDesign 2005 : 4th International Symposium on Environmentally conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing 3B-3-2F
国民生活金融公庫 調査月報 第536号
ページ: 2-3
NICOクラブセミナー通信(にいがた産業創造機構) 第12号
Bulletin of Waseda University Business School No.36
ページ: 109-126
Journal of Product Development and Management(Association of Product Development and Management) Vol.1, No.1
Waseda Business School Review Vol.2
Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics(Fuji Technology Press Ltd) Vol.9, No.5
INDUST Vol.20, No.10
Proceedings of EcoDesign 2005 : 4th International Symposiumon Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing 1A- 1-2S
Proceedings of EcoDesign 2005 : 4th International Symposiumon Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing P-34
Proceedings of EcoDesign 2005 : 4th International Symposiumon Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing P-35
Proceedings of EcoDesign 2005 : 4th International Symposiumon Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing 3B-3-2F
Chosa Geppo No.536
NICO Club Seminar Correspondence(Niigata Industrial Creation Organization) Vol.12
Proceedings of the Spring Conference of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering 2005
ページ: 106-121
Proceedings of 77th Congress of Japanese Society for Quality Control
ページ: 47-50
ページ: 51-54
Seminar of the Society of Polymer Science (Preprints)
ページ: 1-22
22nd Meeting of Research Group of Kansei Goods, Japan Society of Kansei Engineering (Preprints)
Proceedings of 5th Annual Conference of Association of Product Development and Management
ページ: 46-49
ページ: 56-59
Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Conference of Japanese Society for the Science of Design, for Association of Product Development and Management
ページ: 256-257
ページ: 258-259
ページ: 260-261
Abstracts of 6th Regional Conference of Clean Air and Environment in Asian Pacific Area(Japanese Union of Air Pollution Prevention Associations) 1
ページ: 125
Abstracts of 16th Regional Conference of Clean Air and Environment in Asian Pacific Area(Japanese Union of Air Pollution Prevention Associations) 1
ページ: 126
Guide Book of Annual Conference of the Society of Fashion Business : 10th Anniversary of Kansai Branch
ページ: 18
Proceedings of the 7th Annual Conference of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering
ページ: 61-63
ページ: 211
ページ: 231
ページ: 233
ページ: 248
ページ: 294
ページ: 295
Meeting of Research Group of Environmental Management System, Japanese Society for Quality Control (Preprints)
ページ: 1-5
20th Conference of the Society of Polymer Science (Preprints)
ページ: 1-21
Proceedings of 5th Autumn Conference of Association of Product Development and Management
ページ: 48-53
ページ: 68-73
Proceedings of 35th Annual Conference of Japanese Society for Quality Control
ページ: 89-92
ページ: 93-96
ページ: 109-112
9th Conference of Waste management (Preprints)
ページ: 1-10
26th Meeting of Research Group of Kansei Goods, Japan Society of Kansei Engineering (Preprints)
早稲田学報 第58巻第2号
ページ: 8-14
ヒューマンインタフェース学会誌 第6巻第1号
ページ: 25-30
国際経営・システム科学研究 (早稲田大学アジア太平洋研究センター) 第35号
ページ: 47-56
Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Engineering & Technology, 2004
ページ: 302-307
ページ: 329-335
ページ: 197-223
proceedings of 2004 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man & Cybernetics
ページ: 333-338
月刊廃棄物(日報アイービー) 第30号第11号
ページ: 26-31
ページ: 78-81
ページ: 146-149
ページ: 174-177
ページ: 178-181
ページ: 192-195
日経ビズテック(日経BP社) No.004
ページ: 208-211
Journal of Waseda University Vol.58
Journal of Human Interface Society Vo.6, No.1
Bulletin of Waseda University Business School No.35
Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Engineering & Technology(School of Engineering and Information Technology, University Malaysia Sabah)
Final Report of Regional Liaison Joint Research Project of Gifu Prefecture
Proceedings of 2004 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man & Cybernetics(IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society)
Monthly The Waste Vol.30, No.11
Proceedings of EcoDesign2004 Japan Symposium
Nikkei BizTech No.004
18th Meeting of Research Group of Kansei Goods, Japan Society of Kansei Engineering (Oral Presentation)(Preprints)
ページ: 1-3
Proceedings of 74th Congress of Japanese Society for Quality Control (Oral Presentation)
ページ: 37-40
ページ: 53-56
Proceedings of 74th Congress of Japanese Society for Quality Control
ページ: 57-60
19th Meeting of Research Group of Kansei Goods, Japan Society of Kansei Engineering (Preprints)
Proceedings of the 6th Annual Conference of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering
ページ: 64-65
ページ: 170
ページ: 171
ページ: 172
Proceedings of 4th Autumn Conference of Association of Product Development and Management
ページ: 26-32
Proceedings of 34th Annual Conference of Japanese Society for Quality Control
ページ: 117-120
ページ: 121-124
ページ: 125-128
ページ: 129-132
ページ: 133-136
ページ: 137-140
ページ: 141-144
Kansei Engineering International (Japan Society of Kansei Engineering) Vol.3, No.3
ページ: 3-12
ページ: 21-30
ページ: 37-46
ページ: 3-8
ページ: 15-24
ページ: 37-42
ヒューマンインタフェース学会誌 第5巻 第2号
ページ: 39-44
化粧品(ポーラ文化研究所) 第43号
立命館経営学 第42巻第2号
ページ: 113-142
INTELLIGENCE+1(オンワードファッションシステム) 第93号
ページ: 1-11
宙舞(自動車技術会中部支部) 第53号
ページ: 2-5
ページ: 6-8
週刊東洋経済 10/4号
ページ: 138-139
Journal of the Asian Design InternationalConference (Asian Society for the Science of Design) Vol.1, H-04
Journal of the Asian Design InternationalConference (Asian Society for the Science of Design) Vol.1, H-05
Journal of the Asian Design International Conference (Asian Society for the Science of Design) Vol.1,P-46
Journal of the Asian Design International Conference (Asian Society for the Science of Design) Vol.1,P-47
ページ: 1-9
Journal of the Asian Design International Conference (Asian Society for the Science of Design) Vol.1,P-62
ページ: 1-7
Proceedings of EcoDesign2003 : 3rd International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing
ページ: 210-213
ページ: 214-217
Kansei Engineering International(Japan Society of Kansei Engineering) Vol.3, No.3
Kansei Engineering International(Japan Society of Kansei Engineering) Vol.3, No.4
Journal of Human Interface Society Vo.5, No.2
Face and Culture(Pola Research Institute of Culture) Vol.43
Ritsumeikan Management Review Vol.42, No.2
INTELLIGENCE+1(Onward Fashion System) No.93
Chubu(Chubu Branch of Society of Automobile Technology) vol.53
Weekly Toyokeizai(Toyokeizai-shimposha) 10/4
Journal of the Asian Design International Conference(Asian Society for the Science of Design) Vol.1, H-04
Journal of the Asian Design International Conference(Asian Society for the Science of Design) Vol.1, H-05
Journal of the Asian Design International Conference(Asian Society for the Science of Design) Vol.1, P-46
Journal of the Asian Design International Conference(Asian Society for the Science of Design) Vol.1, P47
Journal of the Asian Design International Conference(Asian Society for the Science of Design) Vol.1, P-62
Proceedings of EcoDesign 2003 : 3rd International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing(Union of EcoDesigners)
Proceedings of 90th Symposium of Japanese Society for Quality Control (Oral Presentation)
ページ: 29-41
Proceedings of 2003 Congress of Environmental Management Association (Oral Presentation)
ページ: 19-27
Proceedings of 3rd Conference of Association of Product Development and Management (Oral Presentation)
ページ: 17-22
16th Meeting of Research Group of Kansei Goods, Japan Society of Kansei Engineering (Oral Presentation)(Preprints)
Proceedings of the 5th Annual Conference of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering (Oral Presentation)
ページ: 139
ページ: 140
ページ: 201
ページ: 61
ページ: 62
ページ: 83
ページ: 84
ページ: 85
ページ: 86
ページ: 151
ページ: 152
ページ: 283-286
Journal of the Asian Design International Conference(Asian Society for the Science of Design) Vol.1(Oral Presentation)
ページ: 69
ページ: 70
ページ: 148
ページ: 153
Proceedings of 3rd Autumn Conference of Association Product Development and Management (Oral Presentation)
ページ: 10-17
Guide Book of 10th Anniversary Conference Fashion Business (Oral Presentation)
ページ: 16
Abstracts of 3rd International Environmentally Conscious Design Manufacturing (Oral Presentation)
ページ: 83-84
ページ: 85-86
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