[文献書誌] H.Sakamaki, K.Itoh, W.Chai, Y.Hayashida, S.Kitanaka, C.A Horiuchi: "The Biotransformation of (±)-α-ionone and β-ionone by culotured cells of Caragana chamlagu"J.Mol.Catal.B.Enzymatic. 27(4-6). 177-181 (2004)
[文献書誌] K.Itoh, C.A.Horiuchi: "Formation of isoxazole derivatives via nitrile oxide using ammonium cerium nitrate (CAN) : A novel one-pot synthesis of 3-acetyl- and 3-benzoylisoxazole derivatives"Tetrahedron. 60(7). 1671-1681 (2004)
[文献書誌] Wen Chai, Yumiko Hayashida, Hiroshi Sakamaki, C.Akira Horiuchi: "The Biocatalytic Oxidation of Thujopsene by Plant Cultured-cells"J.Mol.Catal.B.Enzymatic. 27(2). 55-60 (2004)
[文献書誌] Shun-Jun Ji, Masatoshi Matsushita, C.Akira Horiuchi: "Oxidative Synthesis of α,β-Unsaturated Ketone from α-Iodo Ketone Using Peracid"Synthesis. 2004(2). 202-204 (2004)
[文献書誌] C.Akira Horiuchi, Akihiro Takeda, Wen Chai, Shun-Jun Ji, T.Tomoyoshi Takahashi: "A novel synthesis of α-hydroxy- and α,α'-dihydroxyketone from α-iodo and α,α'-diiodo ketone using photoirradiation"Tetrahedron Lett.. 44(52). 9307-9311 (2003)
[文献書誌] C.A.Horiuchi, T.Fukushima, N.Furuta, W.Chai, S.-J.Ji, Y.Saito, et al.: "Esterification of alkene with Cerium(IV) sulfate in carboxylic acid"J.Chem.Research (S). 2003(5). 270-272 (2003)
[文献書誌] Ed.by W.Horspool, C.A.Horiuchi (Chapter 56): ""CRC Handbook of Organic Photochemistry & Photobiology, 2^<nd>d Edition" CRC Press LLC (2003.10), Chapter 56 ; "Photochemical Reactions of α-Halocyclic Ketones and Related Systems"."CRC Press. 56-1-56-23 (2003)