研究実績の概要 |
Optomechanically-induced stochastic resonance transfer between optical fields [Nature Photonics, 2016]; Measurements of the extraordinary optical momentum and spin-dependent force [ Nature Physics, 2016]; No-cloning of quantum steering [npj Quantum Information, 2016] quantum measurements in optical micro-resonators [Nature Comm., 2016]; Experimental quantum forgery of quantum optical money [npj Quantum Information, 2017]; Ground State Electroluminescence [PRL 2016]; Hybrid Quantum Device with NV Centers in Diamond Coupled to Carbon Nanotubes [PRL 2016]; One Photon Can Simultaneously Excite Several Atoms [PRL 2016]; Metrology with PT-Symmetric Cavities [PRL 2016]; Edge Modes, and Topological Numbers [PRL 2016]; Controllable single-photon transport between remote coupled-cavity arrays [PRA 2016]; Majorana bound states in a quantum dot chain [NJP 2016]; Polariton in circuit QED for EIT [PRA 2016]; Temporal steering and security of QKD against individual attacks [PRA 2016]; How to observe robust and tunable phonon blockade in a nanomechanical resonator [PRA 2016]; Leggett-Garg inequality violations with a large ensemble of qubits [PRA 2016]; Crosstalk-insensitive method for simultaneously coupling multiple pairs of resonators [PRA 2016]; Qubit-Based Memcapacitors and Meminductors [PR Applied 2016]; Full reconstruction of a 14-qubit state within four hours [NJP 2016]; Transport spectroscopy of a spin-orbit-coupled spin to a quantum dot [PRB 2016]; Learning robust pulses for generating universal quantum gates [Sci. Rep., 2016]; Photonic multipartite entanglement [PRA 2016].
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
1: 当初の計画以上に進展している
Our results are much better than initially expected. This is evidenced by the fact that referees from excellent physics journals (for example, Nat. Phys., Nat. Photon., PRL Physics Reports, NJP PRA, PRB, etc.) have been enthusiastic about the quality and significance of our research results. We have also obtained additional results, which were not listed in the previous section, due to lack of space. These additional results, and the references are the following: Experimental temporal quantum steering [Sci. Rep. 2016]; Multiple-output microwave single-photon source using superconducting circuits with longitudinal and transverse couplings [PRA 2016]; Output field-quadrature measurements and squeezing in ultrastrong cavity-QED [NJP 2016]; Electric-field-induced interferometric resonance of a one-dimensional spin-orbit-coupled electron [Sci. Rep., 2016]; Superradiance with an ensemble of superconducting flux qubits [PRA 2016]; Temporal steering in four dimensions with applications to coupled qubits and magnetoreception [PRA 2016]; Plasmonic bio-sensing for the Fenna-Matthews-Olson complex [Sci. Rep., 2017]; Coherent Phonon Rabi Oscillations with a High-Frequency Carbon Nanotube Phonon Cavity [Nano Lett. 2017]; Lattice surgery translation for quantum computation [NJP 2017]; Controllable optical response by modifying the gain and loss of a mechanical resonator and cavity mode in an optomechanical system [PRA 2017]; Quantum feedback: theory, experiments, and applications [Physics Reports, 2017].