研究実績の概要 |
a. We developed theoretical frameworks for analyzing the throughput capacity of MANETs with the practical constraints of buffer size and packet life time. We further studied the secrecy capacity of a MANETs with the consideration of node social relationships, and derived its secrecy capacity under both the non-colluding and colluding eavesdropper case.
b. We explored the physical layer security-aware routing in a wireless ad hoc network, and developed the routing algorithms which can achieve the optimal security-QoS performance tradeoffs. We further proposed the secure optimal QoS routing algorithm in the presence of eavesdroppers and cooperative jammers.
c. We explored the applications of physical layer security techniques like Cooperative Jamming and Beamforming for secure communications under various wireless communication scenarios, like the Multi-beam Satellite Systems, Two-Hop Relay Wireless Network, and Full-duplex MIMO Two-way Communication, etc.