研究実績の概要 |
In the FY 2017-18, my objective was to review the role of governments, science and technology scholars, and venture capital firms to create a crowdfunding eco-system. Besides, I planned to publish a book on Crowdfunding and to publish a paper titled “Exploring the link between VCs, local banks, and crowdfunding platforms to promote regional startups.” To this tune, I checked updated information for about 194 firms that received crowdfunding from Music Securities. I visited “Sabar” Osaka that received funds from Music Securities and wrote a case on Sabar. Moreover, I used a structured questionnaire and hand-collected information from venture capital firms and small business firms in Bangladesh. This survey contributed to finalizing the book titled “Understanding Crowdfunding: Concepts, Models, Growth, Cases, and Lessons with a Special Reference to Japan.” In fact, I submitted this book to Springer for publication. The book has been accepted and the printed version of the book will be available by June 30, 2018. Similarly, the paper on “exploring the link between VCs, local banks, and crowdfunding platforms to promote regional startups” has been submitted to the journal, Policy Perspectives. This paper is presently under review. I have also presented two papers, Bangladesh and India, on crowdfunding technology to financing innovations in FY 2017.