CAGE libraries from dried and normal tissues of P.vanderplanki larvae were sequenced. The clustered readings were clustered, resulting in 13,727 promoter regions, of which 9573 were associated with 7876 protein-coding genes.We found of the tags in this group correspond to certain "anhydrobiotic genes", like PIMT methyltransferase or Trx-oxidoreductase. Finally, we created comprehensive atlas of tissue-specific cis-elements expression database for 4 main tissues of the annydrobiotic tissues. This unique resource is a platform for further development of technologies of dry preservation of cells and tissues. We found that genetic mechanism of tissue specificity and broad expression of protective genes across tissues is the strategy of anhydrobiosis and can be used for biomimetics
すべて 2018 2017 その他
すべて 国際共同研究 (1件) 雑誌論文 (4件) (うち国際共著 4件、 査読あり 4件、 オープンアクセス 2件) 学会発表 (4件) (うち国際学会 3件、 招待講演 3件)
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.
巻: 115 ページ: E2477-E2486
Scientific Reports
巻: 7 ページ: 6540
Systematic Entomology
巻: 42 ページ: 814-825
巻: 21 ページ: 109-120