研究実績の概要 |
Several previous studies have shown that harmful algal blooms (HAB) affect the reproduction and early-life development of bivalve molluscs. In previous studies, we have shown that Alexandrium affine, A. catenella, Karenia mikimotoi, K. papilionacea, Chattonella marina, C. antiqua, Heterosigma akashiwo, and Heterocapsa circularisquama affect the early-life development of Japanese pearl oyster, Pinctada fucata martensii. In the present study, the effects of HAB species forming multi-specific blooms in the culture area of Japanese pearl oyster on 1 day-old D-larvae, 6 day-old larvae, and 16 day-old larvae were tested. Larvae were affected by exposure to H. circularisquama, C. marina or K. mikimotoi. Mixed blooms of K. mikimotoi and K. papilionacea, K. mikimotoi and C. marina, H. circularisquama and C. marina and, H. circularisquama, C. marina and K. mikimotoi differentially affected the three stages of larvae with increased sensitivity with elder larvae. This is the first study to examine effects of multispecific bloom-forming species of harmful algae on reproduction of a representative bivalve mollusc. The effect reported warrant further investigation of the effects of multispecific blooms on the reproduction of bivalve molluscs.