研究実績の概要 |
1. Literature database: The search index and the catalogue of categories of the database has been completed. Relevant research literature of major databases has been retrieved according to the categories and according to Japan and Germany. The current database contains approx. 2800 entries in a Zotero group library which is available to open access. 2. Research and knowledge map: The field of assistive robotics in Japan and Germany has been analyzed and mapped according to the same categories that underlie the database. The assessment classication contains the following main categories: A Assistive robotics, B Embedding: domain of implementation, C Shaping drives: implementation by societal systems, D Normative drives: purpose and criteria, E Case study: Paro. Broad and detailed information about robotic policies in Germany and EU were analyzed; available information is comparably low. Therefore, search for other resources is going on. A relevant field for future research has been identified: human-machine relation. 3. International collaboration: Based on PI's initiative, an international network collaboration with experts on STS and robotics in Germany and Japan has been established. In February 2017, a workshop hosted at University of Oldenburg (Germany) was held to set up and plan further collaboration. Participants came from Japan (2), Germany (3), Switzerland (1) and US (1). Participants agreed to set up a network and to foster collaboration on "Guidelines for assistive robotics".