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現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
In this research, five kinds of novel 2D surface modifiers with polymerizable end groups and hydrophilic or hydrophobic side chains that will act as an anchor were prepared by SCAT of the corresponding copolymer membranes, Two kinds of polymers(PSPA and PDPA) which showed a perfect membrane forming ability and also good permeability were selected as the base polymer membranes, the methanol solution of the 2D surface modifier and toluene solution of the base polymer were blended and casted on the Teflon sheet to get the supramolecular 2D polymer on the surface of the base polymer(Ⅱ), and this resulting membrane were immersing into the 1,2-ethanediamine for 48h at room tempreture to get the 2D polymer on the base polymer(Ⅲ). The resulting surface-modified membranes after in-situ reaction showed obviously higher PO2 and PO2/PN2 than the base polymer membranes. In addition, some of them showed the highest PO2/PN2 at their PO2 among polymer membranes reported before. These improvement could be caused by 2D polymer membranes formed on the surface which acted like a molecular sieve membrane on the membrane surface.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
in the next stage,the base polymer will be removed after the in-situ reaction of the 2D surface modifer on the membranes' surface to get the self-supporting 2D polymer and it was shuch a novel method to synthesis 2D poylmer and it also expected to show a perfect oxygen permeselectivity. Beside of these, a novel kind of 2D surface modifer bearing the vinyl end groups will be synthezied by SCAT of the corresponding polymer, it will be also used for this research to get the 2D supramolecular membranes by post polycondensation of the end groups and this structure is more stable compared with the imides,structure of the membrane' surface will also be confirmed by the ATR-FTIR spectra an also the water contact angle on the membrane surface.