研究実績の概要 |
i) Local research: The Buddhist Astronomy Research Seminar仏教天文研究会(founded at Doshisha University, Aug 2003) ended in March 2015 and was successfully migrated to Kyoto University as of April 2015 under the current Kaken plan. Eleven monthly meetings were held in FY 2015. ii) An international workshop on "Traditional Sciences in Asia 2015: An Interdisciplinary Investigation into Overlapping Cosmologies" アジア伝統科学国際ワークショップ2015:古今の宇宙観 was held 17-19 Jun, 2015. 15 scholars including 8 from overseas presented. Two public lectures with over 90 participants. The event was a collaboration among three institutes within Kyoto University: 京都大学白眉センター, 大学人文科学研究所, 京都大学宇宙ユニット. iii) Overseas Field research: 1) Examination of astronomical manuscripts in various archives in Kathmandu, Nepal with Prof. Yano Michio (19-26 Nov., 2015, delayed due to earthquake); 2) Joint-research at Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. iv) Panel organization and Paper presentation at Int'l Conf.: 1) 19th Asian Studies Conf. Japan at Meiji Gakuin University, Tokyo (20 Jun, 2015, panel and presentation); 2) Twelfth Biennial History of Astronomy workshop, University of Notre Dame, U.S.A (24-28 Jun, 2015, presentation); 3) 16th World Sanskrit Conf., Bangkok, Thailand (28 Jun-2 Jul, 2015, presentation); 4) SEAC 2015 Annual Conf., Rome, Italy (7-17 Nov., 2015, presentation); v) Publication: Two articles in refereed journals (Historia Scientiarum and Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry).
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
1: 当初の計画以上に進展している
During FY2015, we have achieved and exceeded most of our targets set forth in the project plan under the five rubrics described above: i) Local research; ii) Local International workshop; iii) Overseas Field research; iv) Panel organization and paper presentation at international conferences, and; v) Publication. The only delay we suffered was the Nepal field trip which was postponed to November, 2015 due to earthquake which took place in April, 2015. The overall progress of the research was not affected. As a result of the local and international events organized under the Kaken plan, we had successfully formed a new international network of scholars. Subsequently, we identified “international collaboration” as a key area to be strengthened in additional to the current Kaken plan.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
i) Local projects: At the Buddhist Astronomy Research Seminar, the edition of the annotated translation of Entsuu’s Bukkokurekishuuhen began in January 2016 with the goal of publication (part of fascicle four) within the year. Our collaboration with Japanese scholars both within and outside Kyoto University continue through presentation and reading at this seminar, as well as occasional collaborative meetings with other institutes. ii) International projects: An acceleration project proposal for the purposes of maintaining the momentum of international collaboration for FY2016-2018 was approved by JSPS. It aims to involve the leading scholars in (1) the survey of historical materials in Greco-Indian astral science, and (2) the creation of knowledge database. Based on the plan, principle investigator Bill Mak will spend nine months to conduct collaborative research in the US: six month at New York University with Prof. Alexander Jones (Aug, 2016-Feb, 2017) and three months at Brown University with Prof. John Steele (Mar-May, 2017). Other projects include: a. Digitalization of CESS 1-5 in collaboration with the American Philosophical Society and a team of Japanese and international collaborators; b. Establishment of an electronic database of Greco-Babylonian astral materials transmitted to South Asia, East Asia and Southeast Asia. iii) International conference: Following the initial Kaken plan, a major international conference at the end of the three-year project is planned in Nov, 2017.