研究実績の概要 |
2017 saw the publication of a volume on ‘Pacificism’, dealing with different aspects of the discursive formation of the Pacific. In 2016, the principal investigator Thomas Schwarz and the co-researcher Mario Kumekawa cooperated with a Germany-based partner Johannes Goerbert (FU Berlin) as co-editors of 26 case studies. Kumekawa and Schwarz, the co-researchers Yukio Toyoda and Arne Klawitter as well as the research collaborator Markus Joch contributed articles. Schwarz published on contemporary German South Seas novels, on sexual hospitality ascribed to Pacific islanders, and on German travels to Samoa. On Dec. 10, 2016, Toyoda opened a workshop on ‘Pacificisms’ at Rikkyo University (RU), featuring international participants (Roman Lach, South Korea / Kai Koehler, Germany). The event was organized by a reading group comprising Kumekawa, Schwarz and other researchers at RU (Mary Reisel, Etsuko Miyata, Andrew Sutter). This was followed by a guest lecture (Ikuno Saito) on Melville’s ‘Moby Dick’ on Jan. 16. Schwarz went for archival research on Austrian exoticist Robert Mueller to Vienna and presented results during a conference in Seoul. He visited the German Bundesarchiv to review military reports of the German navy on the repression of Pohnpei’s Sokehs Rebellion in 1911. In Chuuk, he went to the Micronesian Seminar to copy missionary reports on this event. He continued his field trip to Palau / Angaur for a documentation of the places, where the Sokehs were deported to. Schwarz presented results of this research on conferences in Vienna, Tokyo and a school on Chuuk.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
While we were making progress as planned with the publication of the volume on "Pazifikismus", ‘insularity’ appeared as an underrated feature of the discursive construction of the Pacific in our project, opening further horizons for challenging new research.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
Workshop on 'Insularity' (July 8, 2017), publication of selected papers. Research of the co-investigator Arne Klawitter on German exoticist Hans Bethge. Research by the principal investigator Thomas Schwarz on Bethge and on the Micronesian Sokehs Rebellion in German archives (Bundesarchiv, Staatsbibliothek, Berlin). Presentation of the results on conferences not only in Tokyo (planned: Inselstraende und Huetten. Conference at Gakushuin University on "West-oestliche Raumfigurationen: Wohnen; Unterwegssein, 7./8.10.2017)", but also at the University of Flensburg / Germany (Gesellschaft fuer interkulturelle Germanistik, Sept. 2017) and at the University of Sydney / Australia (conference on "West-oestliche Wahlverwandtschaften. Hans Bethge").