研究実績の概要 |
Hiroko Sugimura traveled to Bangor, UK to observe two poetry-reading classes in the summer language programme for Japanese university students to observe how the students respond to poetry, and to exchange opinions with the instructor regarding the use of the two Welsh poems in class. She also interviewed a Japanese student planning to enter a UK university and a Bangor University student from Japan to explore the difficulties that she had assumed they might have when taking classes in the UK. Tae Kudo conducted a statistical analysis of the results of the surveys on her students’ literary reading habits and their responses to the short story ‘Cat in the Rain’ which s used in some pilot classes. Based on this research, at the JACET Study Group for Literature in Language Education seminar, Kudo and Sugimura presented a paper on how student-readers in an EFL classroom reacted to literary reading. They are currently completing this article, which will be submitted to a journal soon. Kudo and Sugimura read several articles by D. I. Hanauer to review his protocol for a pilot class where he used a poem as material for discussion. Sugimura also extensively read other related articles by John Dewey, Mary Warnock, Maxine Greene, etc to get more detailed knowledge of the connection between literary reading and critical thinking. Based on the literature reviews that she had done so far, Sugimura delivered a lecture to high school teachers in Okayama on the effects of literary reading on students in terms of critical thinking.