研究課題/領域番号 |
研究機関 | 東海大学 |
研究代表者 |
アシユクロフト ロバート 東海大学, 国際文化学部, 講師 (20631790)
研究分担者 |
Robert Cvitkovic 東海大学, 公私立大学の部局等, 講師 (00412627) [辞退]
Praver Max 静岡大学, 情報学部, 講師 (60598712) [辞退]
研究期間 (年度) |
2015-04-01 – 2018-03-31
キーワード | TED / NAWL / vocabulary / CALL / study apps |
研究実績の概要 |
During the academic year 2016-2017 the researchers completed the development of the app to deliver the treatments, and collect and store all the resulting data. In addition, a web portal has been established as the main point of contact for co-researchers and participants. Hundreds of videos from the creative commons TED (Technology Education & Design) archive were systematically analysed. The web tool is now ready and data collection began in earnest in April 2017, slightly behind schedule due to a number of bugs discovered during the piloting phase last summer.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
3: やや遅れている
The infrastructure of the website is in place and can be viewed live at the following URL: “www.tednawl.weebly.com”. Bilingual information about the research is available for both students (participants) and teachers (researchers). Teachers can access the research schedule and download instructions for participants. Students can register for the research and access the research app through the web portal. The app allows us to collect data on the relative effectiveness of 3 computer-based vocabulary learning tools. We aim to understand the receptive vocabulary knowledge gains resulting from different Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) vocabulary activities based on a particular TED Talk. The analysis will allow us to investigate the degree of correlation between treatment and gains and whether students’ proficiency level affected gains. Following the treatments, and the final delayed post-test, qualitative responses will be collected about the participants’ views of the activities and how they might be improved. Data collection began in earnest in April 2017.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
Data collection will continue throughout the spring semester 2017. The web app collects all the required data for our research, and delivers the treatments. The 3-mode experimental treatments are distinct TEL(Technology Enhanced Learning) vocabulary tools, specifically developed for the purposes of our research during the first year of the project. Each vocabulary-learning tool is fundamentally distinct in terms of its pedagogical approach. The app collects bio data and research consent from participants upon registration. The site then streams the TED video content, followed by a series of comprehension questions. The app then delivers a pre-test of NAWL (New Academic Word List) vocabulary from the video transcript. The test is a receptive measure of vocabulary knowledge. The user then undergoes the treatment, followed by an identical test (vocabulary post-test). All data is transferred by the app to the MySQL database on our secure server for subsequent analysis. When the same user logs on for the next treatment session, the app administers the relevant delayed post-test. The treatment cycle then begins again. There are four treatment cycles in total, including a control. Currently, about 150 participants have completed up to two treatment cycles. Once the data collection stage is complete around the end of July, work will begin on analysing the data. This research is due to be presented at the Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT) Pan-SIG 2017 academic conference, and again at the JALT 2017 conference.
次年度使用額が生じた理由 |
The amount incurred during the next fiscal year will be used to finance data collection, to purchase computer software and hardware for the statistical analysis of the data, to maintain the web research application, and to disseminate the results of this research at academic conferences in Japan and overseas.
次年度使用額の使用計画 |
Five co-investigators are being recruited to the project in order to both maximize the number of participants in the research, and to bring additional expertise to the analysis and publication stages. Analytical software applications, and additional hardware will be needed during the data analysis stage. The web research application requires continual IT support and maintenance during the data collection period, running throughout this financial year. Finally the money will be used to finance attendance at various academic conferences to present our experimental design and findings.
備考 |
このプロジェクトの目的は、TED Talksより選出された学術的な項目についてのNew Academic Word List (NAWL)語彙の習得におけるComputer Assisted Language Learning (CALL)学習方法の3つの水準の効果を測ることです。