研究課題/領域番号 |
研究機関 | 長崎大学 |
研究代表者 |
カトローニ ピノ 長崎大学, 多文化社会学部, 准教授 (30573381)
研究分担者 |
今村 圭介 東京医科歯科大学, 教養部, 助教 (00732679)
研究期間 (年度) |
2015-04-01 – 2019-03-31
キーワード | back-channel / study abroad / EFL |
研究実績の概要 |
In the first year of our project, we have managed to accomplish the majority of our goals and appear to be on the schedule we put forth in our proposal. To review, we have managed to collect the data for the short-term study abroad phase of our study (i.e., pre study abroad, post-study abroad, and a delayed post study abroad test to measure sustainability). The data collection methods involved video recording 63 intercultural conversations and administering post-conversation interviews and questionnaires. Furthermore, we are in the midst of having the intercultural conversations transcribed. At the moment, we have transcribed approximately half of the 63 conversations.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
We have managed to collect the data for the short-term study abroad phase of our study as the original plan.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
Our first goal moving forward is to transcribe the rest of the conversations from the short-term study abroad phase. Subsequently, we need to collect the data (using the same methods described above) for the long-term study abroad. As a handful of our students are going abroad in September (from 6 months to 1 year), we are now confirming who are participants for the long-term phase of the study will be and, subsequently, will begin to arrange our data collection schedule for them. Upon doing that, the plan is to transcribe these conversations and begin the data analysis phase of the study.