研究実績の概要 |
The aim of this research is to theoretically investigate how the geographic concentration of industrial activity affects an economy's prospects for economic development through accelerated productivity growth, within a globalized world economy that features increasing levels of economic integration between regions and nations. In order to facilitate the smooth progress of the research, the order of the second and third stages of the project have been reversed. As such, the base analysis has been completed for a model that allows for a study of how industry concentration affects the potential for convergence of a small open country with the world economy through productivity growth. Project members are currently preparing to present these results in workshops and as a discussion paper.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
Discussion Paper: Davis, Colin and Hashimoto, Ken-ichi (2016) "Innovation and Manufacturing Offshoring with Fully Endogenous Productivity Growth" Discussion Paper No. 1636, Graduate School of Economics, Kobe University. Presentation: "Innovation and Manufacturing Offshoring with Fully Endogenous Productivity Growth", European Trade Study Group, Aalto University Vatt Institute, Finland, 2016. Presentation: "Innovation and Manufacturing Offshoring with Fully Endogenous Productivity Growth", RITM Lunch Seminar, University Paris-Sud, France, 2016.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
The project members will continue to revise the research results of the discussion papers that were created during the first year of the project in preparation for publication in formal academic journals. In addition, the results of the second year of the project will be formalized in the form of discussion papers that can be used in presentations at research seminars and workshops. Finally, project members will begin work on the third stage of the research with the preparation of a theoretical model to investigate convergence in productivity growth between countries hosting both low-tech and high-tech firms that are free to shift production and innovation activities between countries.