The proposed research is in progress according to the original plan.(1) Mineral chemical compositions required for the study have been determined.(2) Zircon from the rocks related to this project have been separated and their U-Pb zircon ages have been determined.(3) In addition Hafnium isotope analysis of the dated zircon grains have also been carried out.(4) The results were published in two impact factor journals (Lithos and European Journal of Mineralogy). Third paper also has been accepted for publication in the journal The Island Arc (currently in press). Manuscript of the fourth paper (in-situ zircon delta 18 oxygen isotope values) is ready and will be submitted to international Impact Factor Journal.(5) Graduate and under-graduate students also participated in the field work to gain experience of the geology of Japan.
2: おおむね順調に進展している
One of the main targets of this project was to understand the role of water-rock interaction using oxygen isotope. By determining the in-situ delta 18 oxygen values in magmatic and metamorphic zircons, we could trace back the protolith source composition. Moreover, the delta 18 oxygen of metamorphic zircons tells the effect of late-stage geologic processes on the rocks investigated in this study.The results of this project have been summarized and a manuscript will be submitted to an interntaional Impact Factor Journal.Additional work on the newly collected geological samples is in progress.
Further geochemical and petrological work is undergoing currently. Once the results are obtained, data processing and interpretation will be done. Finally, the results will be submitted for publications in impact factor journals in near future. Undergraduate and master course students are also learning from this project. Some of the results will be presented at International conference.In summary, the research plan is in progress as planned.Some of the results will also be presented at International Conference in the current fiscal year.
すべて 2017 2016
すべて 雑誌論文 (4件) (うち国際共著 4件、 査読あり 4件、 謝辞記載あり 3件) 学会発表 (3件) (うち国際学会 2件)
Precambrian Research
巻: 292 ページ: 240-257
The Island Arc
巻: - ページ: ---
巻: 260 ページ: 286-299
European Journal of Mineralogy
巻: 28 ページ: 1155-1168