研究実績の概要 |
This year was spent developing synthetic methods for the pyrazinacene compounds containing 4 and higher pyrazine rings with one reduced ring. First, a series of highly soluble compounds was prepared to assess the spectroscopic properties of these compounds under neutral and acidic conditions (important for the proton conduction properties). These compounds were also found to be liquid crystalline (Manuscript near to submission: J. P. Hill and coworkers, "Mesomorphic Pyrazinacenes"). Then a series of 3 brominated compounds has been prepared as monomers for preparation of polymers for study of proton conduction in these compounds, as per the research proposal. These compounds are octaazatetracenes which are known to exhibit isomerism based on proton transfer. Polymers will be made subsequently. A higher order pyrazinacene with 7 pyrazine rings with several reduced rings has also been prepared for study of intramolecular proton transfer processes stated in this project. It is currently under study with publication expected in 2016 (In preparation: G. J. Richards, J. P. Hill and coworkers, "Tetradecaazaheptacene").