研究実績の概要 |
Publications: I published an article on Jonathan Swift's views of Japan in "Notes and Queries" (Spring 2016), and a review in the journal of the Japan Association of English Romanticism. I have written two additional articles (one for a volume on "Eastern Resonances in Early Modern England", and one for a special issue of "Studies in Travel Writing"). I am currently also co-editing a book on "British Romanticism in Asia" with Alex Watson (Japan Women's University). The manuscript of my monograph is now in draft, and I am continuing to polish it in the light of my ongoing research.
Presentations: I spoke at conferences at Seikei University (May 2015), University of Tokyo (June 2015), the Liberlit conference at Tokyo Woman's Christian University (February 2016) and the University of Tokyo English Literature Society (March 2016). I am also helping to co-organize two events for this autumn: a conference on Romantic Legacies at a university in Taiwan (National Chengchi University), and a one-day symposium in September 2016 at the University of Tokyo, Ito International Research Center, titled "The Challenge of Japan".
Other activities: I joined the editorial board of a Taiwanese journal, "The Wenshan Review of Literature and Culture". I invited three speakers to present at the University of Tokyo, Department of English: Professor Ros Ballaster (University of Oxford); Dr Sarah Jowett (University of York); Professor Ben Highmore (University of Sussex).