研究実績の概要 |
In March 2019 I published (co-edited with Alex Watson of Meiji University) a volume with Palgrave titled "British Romanticism in Asia: The Reception, Translation, and Transformation of Romantic Literature in India and East Asia" (Palgrave, 2019). This is the first full-length study to investigate the reception of British eighteenth- and nineteenth-century literature in Asia: as the first country in Asia to Westernize, Japan is central to the paradigm and to many of the articles in the volume. Kakenhi awards supported the writing of this volume and the licensing of cover art from Tokyo National Museum. During this year, I also gave presentations, including at the American Comparative Literature Association conference in Los Angeles.
Major outcomes from previous years of the award include a special issue of Studies in Travel Writing (21.1; 2017, co-edited with Steve Clark) on "Isabella Bird, Victorian Women’s Travel Writing, and Japan", and an international conference at the University of Tokyo titled "Pacific Gateways", focusing on Western travel writing and representations of Japan and Asia. I will continue to publish and present outcomes from this research over the next years: an article on Gulliver's Travels and Japan is forthcoming in a volume from Rikkyo University Press, and I will also present at a conference on the "Aesthetics of Oceans" (13-14 July 2019 at Seikei University). I am planning a symposium on Asia-Pacific travel writing, to take place at Sophia in 2020.